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Class Guacamole.OnScreenKeyboard.Key

Defined in: OnScreenKeyboard.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Represents a single key, or a single possible behavior of a key.
Field Summary
Field Attributes Field Name and Description
The keysym to be pressed/released when this key is pressed/released.
The name of the modifier set when the key is pressed and cleared when this key is released, if any.
The unique name identifying this key within the keyboard layout.
An array containing the names of each modifier required for this key to have an effect.
The human-readable title that will be displayed to the user within the key.
Class Detail
Guacamole.OnScreenKeyboard.Key(template, name)
Represents a single key, or a single possible behavior of a key. Each key on the on-screen keyboard must have at least one associated Guacamole.OnScreenKeyboard.Key, whether that key is explicitly defined or implied, and may have multiple Guacamole.OnScreenKeyboard.Key if behavior depends on modifier states.
{Guacamole.OnScreenKeyboard.Key|Object} template
The object whose identically-named properties will be used to initialize the properties of this key.
{String} name Optional
The name to use instead of any name provided within the template, if any. If omitted, the name within the template will be used, assuming the template contains a name.
Field Detail
{Number} keysym
The keysym to be pressed/released when this key is pressed/released. If not provided, this will be derived from the title if the title is a single character.

{String} modifier
The name of the modifier set when the key is pressed and cleared when this key is released, if any. The names of modifiers are distinct from the names of keys; both the "RightShift" and "LeftShift" keys may set the "shift" modifier, for example. By default, the key will affect no modifiers.

{String} name
The unique name identifying this key within the keyboard layout.

{String[]} requires
An array containing the names of each modifier required for this key to have an effect. For example, a lowercase letter may require nothing, while an uppercase letter would require "shift", assuming the Shift key is named "shift" within the layout. By default, the key will require no modifiers.

{String} title
The human-readable title that will be displayed to the user within the key. If not provided, this will be derived from the key name.

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