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AbstractActiveConnection - Class in org.apache.guacamole.net.auth
Base implementation of an ActiveConnection, providing storage and simply getters/setters for its main properties.
AbstractActiveConnection() - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractActiveConnection
AbstractAuthenticatedUser - Class in org.apache.guacamole.net.auth
Basic implementation of an AuthenticatedUser which uses the username to determine equality.
AbstractAuthenticatedUser() - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractAuthenticatedUser
AbstractAuthenticationProvider - Class in org.apache.guacamole.net.auth
Base implementation of AuthenticationProvider which provides default implementations of most functions.
AbstractAuthenticationProvider() - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractAuthenticationProvider
AbstractConnection - Class in org.apache.guacamole.net.auth
Basic implementation of a Guacamole connection.
AbstractConnection() - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractConnection
AbstractConnectionGroup - Class in org.apache.guacamole.net.auth
Basic implementation of a Guacamole connection group.
AbstractConnectionGroup() - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractConnectionGroup
AbstractIdentifiable - Class in org.apache.guacamole.net.auth
Abstract implementation of Identifiable which provides equals() and hashCode() implementations which use the identifier to determine equality.
AbstractIdentifiable() - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractIdentifiable
AbstractSharingProfile - Class in org.apache.guacamole.net.auth
Base implementation of a sharing profile which can be used to share a Guacamole connection.
AbstractSharingProfile() - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractSharingProfile
AbstractUser - Class in org.apache.guacamole.net.auth
Base implementation of User which provides default implementations of most functions.
AbstractUser() - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractUser
AbstractUserContext - Class in org.apache.guacamole.net.auth
Base implementation of UserContext which provides default implementations of most functions.
AbstractUserContext() - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractUserContext
AbstractUserGroup - Class in org.apache.guacamole.net.auth
Base implementation of UserGroup which provides default implementations of most functions.
AbstractUserGroup() - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractUserGroup
ActiveConnection - Interface in org.apache.guacamole.net.auth
A pairing of username and GuacamoleTunnel representing an active usage of a particular connection.
ActivityRecord - Interface in org.apache.guacamole.net.auth
A logging record describing when a user started and ended a particular activity.
ActivityRecordSet<RecordType extends ActivityRecord> - Interface in org.apache.guacamole.net.auth
A set of all available records related to a type of activity which has a defined start and end time, such as a user being logged in or connected, or a subset of those records.
ActivityRecordSet.SortableProperty - Enum in org.apache.guacamole.net.auth
All properties of activity records which can be used as sorting criteria.
add(ObjectType) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DecoratingDirectory
add(ObjectType) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingDirectory
add(ObjectType) - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.Directory
Adds the given object to the overall set.
add(ObjectType) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleDirectory
addGuacamoleProperties(GuacamoleProperties) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.environment.DelegatingEnvironment
addGuacamoleProperties(GuacamoleProperties) - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.environment.Environment
Adds another possible source of Guacamole configuration properties to this Environment.
addGuacamoleProperties(GuacamoleProperties) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.environment.LocalEnvironment
addObjects(Set<String>) - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.RelatedObjectSet
Adds the objects having the given identifiers, if not already present.
addObjects(Set<String>) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleRelatedObjectSet
addPermission(ObjectPermission.Type, String) - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.permission.ObjectPermissionSet
Adds the specified permission for the object having the given identifier.
addPermission(ObjectPermission.Type, String) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleObjectPermissionSet
addPermission(SystemPermission.Type) - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.permission.SystemPermissionSet
Adds the specified permission.
addPermission(SystemPermission.Type) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleSystemPermissionSet
addPermissions(Set<ObjectPermission>) - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.permission.ObjectPermissionSet
addPermissions(Set<ObjectPermission>) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleObjectPermissionSet
addPermissions(Set<SystemPermission>) - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.permission.SystemPermissionSet
addPermissions(Set<SystemPermission>) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleSystemPermissionSet
addPermissions(Set<PermissionType>) - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.permission.PermissionSet
Adds the specified permissions, if not already granted.
addStandardTokens(TokenFilter) - Static method in class org.apache.guacamole.token.StandardTokens
Adds tokens which are standardized by guacamole-ext to the given TokenFilter and which do not require a corresponding Credentials object.
addStandardTokens(TokenFilter, AuthenticatedUser) - Static method in class org.apache.guacamole.token.StandardTokens
Adds tokens which are standardized by guacamole-ext to the given TokenFilter using the values from the given AuthenticatedUser object, including any associated credentials.
addStandardTokens(TokenFilter, Credentials) - Static method in class org.apache.guacamole.token.StandardTokens
Adds tokens which are standardized by guacamole-ext to the given TokenFilter using the values from the given Credentials object.
ADMINISTER - org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.permission.ObjectPermission.Type
Change who has access to an object.
ADMINISTER - org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.permission.SystemPermission.Type
Administer the system in general, including adding permissions which affect the system (like user creation, connection creation, and system administration).
ANONYMOUS_IDENTIFIER - Static variable in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AuthenticatedUser
The identifier reserved for representing a user that has authenticated anonymously.
asCollection() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.ActivityRecordSet
Returns all records within this set as a standard Collection.
asCollection() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleActivityRecordSet
asCollection() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleConnectionRecordSet
Attribute() - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.User.Attribute
Attributes - Interface in org.apache.guacamole.net.auth
An object which is associated with a set of arbitrary attributes, defined as name/value pairs.
AuthenticatedUser - Interface in org.apache.guacamole.net.auth
A user of the Guacamole web application who has been authenticated by an AuthenticationProvider.
authenticateUser(Credentials) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractAuthenticationProvider
Returns an AuthenticatedUser representing the user authenticated by the given credentials, if any.
authenticateUser(Credentials) - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AuthenticationProvider
Returns an AuthenticatedUser representing the user authenticated by the given credentials, if any.
authenticateUser(Credentials) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleAuthenticationProvider
authenticationFailed(AuthenticationFailureEvent) - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.event.listener.AuthenticationFailureListener
Event hook which fires immediately after a user's authentication attempt fails.
AuthenticationFailureEvent - Class in org.apache.guacamole.net.event
An event which is triggered whenever a user's credentials fail to be authenticated.
AuthenticationFailureEvent(Credentials) - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.net.event.AuthenticationFailureEvent
Creates a new AuthenticationFailureEvent which represents the failure to authenticate the given credentials.
AuthenticationFailureListener - Interface in org.apache.guacamole.net.event.listener
Listeners should instead implement the Listener interface.
AuthenticationProvider - Interface in org.apache.guacamole.net.auth
Provides means of authorizing users and for accessing and managing data associated with those users.
authenticationSucceeded(AuthenticationSuccessEvent) - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.event.listener.AuthenticationSuccessListener
Event hook which fires immediately after a user's authentication attempt succeeds.
AuthenticationSuccessEvent - Class in org.apache.guacamole.net.event
An event which is triggered whenever a user's credentials pass authentication.
AuthenticationSuccessEvent(AuthenticatedUser) - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.net.event.AuthenticationSuccessEvent
Creates a new AuthenticationSuccessEvent which represents a successful authentication attempt by the user identified by the given AuthenticatedUser object.
AuthenticationSuccessListener - Interface in org.apache.guacamole.net.event.listener
Listeners should instead implement the Listener interface.


BALANCING - org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.ConnectionGroup.Type
A connection group that acts as a load balancer.
BOOLEAN - Static variable in class org.apache.guacamole.form.Field.Type
A boolean field, whose value is either blank or "true".
BooleanField - Class in org.apache.guacamole.form
Represents a field with strictly one possible value.
BooleanField(String, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.form.BooleanField
Creates a new BooleanField with the given name and truth value.
BooleanGuacamoleProperty - Class in org.apache.guacamole.properties
A GuacamoleProperty whose value is an boolean.
BooleanGuacamoleProperty() - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.properties.BooleanGuacamoleProperty
ByteArrayProperty - Class in org.apache.guacamole.properties
A GuacamoleProperty whose value is a byte array.
ByteArrayProperty() - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.properties.ByteArrayProperty


canonicalize(String) - Static method in class org.apache.guacamole.token.TokenName
Generate the name of a parameter token from the given string, with no added prefix, such that the token name will simply be the transformed version of the string.
canonicalize(String, String) - Static method in class org.apache.guacamole.token.TokenName
Generates the name of the parameter token that should be populated with the given string.
characters(char[], int, int) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.xml.DocumentHandler
childElement(String) - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.xml.TagHandler
Called when a child element of the current element is parsed.
CLIENT_ADDRESS_TOKEN - Static variable in class org.apache.guacamole.token.StandardTokens
The name of the client address token added via addStandardTokens().
CLIENT_HOSTNAME_TOKEN - Static variable in class org.apache.guacamole.token.StandardTokens
The name of the client hostname token added via addStandardTokens().
complete(String) - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.xml.TagHandler
Called when this element, and all child elements, have been fully parsed, and the entire text content of this element (if any) is available.
connect(GuacamoleClientInformation) - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.Connectable
This function has been deprecated in favor of Connectable.connect(org.apache.guacamole.protocol.GuacamoleClientInformation, java.util.Map), which allows for connection parameter tokens to be injected and applied by cooperating extensions, replacing the functionality previously provided through the StandardTokens class. It continues to be defined on this interface for compatibility. New implementations should instead implement Connectable.connect(org.apache.guacamole.protocol.GuacamoleClientInformation, java.util.Map).
connect(GuacamoleClientInformation) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingConnection
connect(GuacamoleClientInformation) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingConnectionGroup
connect(GuacamoleClientInformation) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleConnection
connect(GuacamoleClientInformation) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleConnectionGroup
connect(GuacamoleClientInformation, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.ActiveConnection
connect(GuacamoleClientInformation, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.Connectable
Establishes a connection to guacd using the information associated with this object.
connect(GuacamoleClientInformation, Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingConnection
connect(GuacamoleClientInformation, Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingConnectionGroup
connect(GuacamoleClientInformation, Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleConnection
Establishes a connection to guacd using the information associated with this object.
connect(GuacamoleClientInformation, Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleConnectionGroup
connect(GuacamoleClientInformation, Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.TokenInjectingConnection
connect(GuacamoleClientInformation, Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.TokenInjectingConnectionGroup
Connectable - Interface in org.apache.guacamole.net.auth
An object which Guacamole can connect to.
Connection - Interface in org.apache.guacamole.net.auth
Represents a pairing of a GuacamoleConfiguration with a unique, human-readable identifier, and abstracts the connection process.
ConnectionGroup - Interface in org.apache.guacamole.net.auth
Represents a connection group, which can contain both other connection groups as well as connections.
ConnectionGroup.Type - Enum in org.apache.guacamole.net.auth
All legal types of connection group.
ConnectionRecord - Interface in org.apache.guacamole.net.auth
A logging record describing when a user started and ended usage of a particular connection.
ConnectionRecordSet - Interface in org.apache.guacamole.net.auth
contains(String) - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.ActivityRecordSet
Returns the subset of records which contain the given value.
contains(String) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleActivityRecordSet
contains(String) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleConnectionRecordSet
CREATE_CONNECTION - org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.permission.SystemPermission.Type
Create connections.
CREATE_CONNECTION_GROUP - org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.permission.SystemPermission.Type
Create connection groups.
CREATE_SHARING_PROFILE - org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.permission.SystemPermission.Type
Create sharing profiles.
CREATE_USER - org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.permission.SystemPermission.Type
Create users.
CREATE_USER_GROUP - org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.permission.SystemPermission.Type
Create user groups.
CredentialEvent - Interface in org.apache.guacamole.net.event
Abstract basis for events which may have associated user credentials when triggered.
Credentials - Class in org.apache.guacamole.net.auth
Simple arbitrary set of credentials, including a username/password pair, the HttpServletRequest associated with the request for authorization (if any) and the HttpSession associated with that request.
Credentials(String, String, HttpServletRequest) - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.Credentials
Construct a Credentials object with the given username, password, and HTTP request.
CredentialsInfo - Class in org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.credentials
Information which describes a set of valid credentials.
CredentialsInfo(Collection<Field>) - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.credentials.CredentialsInfo
Creates a new CredentialsInfo object which requires the given fields for any conforming credentials.


DATE - Static variable in class org.apache.guacamole.form.Field.Type
A date field whose legal values conform to the pattern "YYYY-MM-DD", zero-padded.
DATE_TOKEN - Static variable in class org.apache.guacamole.token.StandardTokens
The name of the date token (server-local time) added via addStandardTokens().
DateField - Class in org.apache.guacamole.form
Represents a date field.
DateField(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.form.DateField
Creates a new DateField with the given name.
decorate(ObjectType) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DecoratingDirectory
Given an object retrieved from a Directory which originates from a different AuthenticationProvider, returns an identical type of object optionally wrapped with additional information, functionality, etc.
decorate(UserContext, AuthenticatedUser, Credentials) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractAuthenticationProvider
Given a UserContext returned from getUserContext() of a different AuthenticationProvider, returns a UserContext instance which decorates (wraps) that UserContext, delegating and overriding implemented functions as necessary.
decorate(UserContext, AuthenticatedUser, Credentials) - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AuthenticationProvider
Given a UserContext returned from getUserContext() of a different AuthenticationProvider, returns a UserContext instance which decorates (wraps) that UserContext, delegating and overriding implemented functions as necessary.
DecoratingDirectory<ObjectType extends Identifiable> - Class in org.apache.guacamole.net.auth
Directory implementation which simplifies decorating the objects within an underlying Directory.
DecoratingDirectory(Directory<ObjectType>) - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DecoratingDirectory
Creates a new DecoratingDirectory which decorates the objects within the given directory.
DEFAULT_ROOT_CONNECTION_GROUP - Static variable in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractUserContext
The unique identifier that will be used for the root connection group if AbstractUserContext.getRootConnectionGroup() is not overridden.
DelegatingConnection - Class in org.apache.guacamole.net.auth
Connection implementation which simply delegates all function calls to an underlying Connection.
DelegatingConnection(Connection) - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingConnection
Wraps the given Connection such that all function calls against this DelegatingConnection will be delegated to it.
DelegatingConnectionGroup - Class in org.apache.guacamole.net.auth
ConnectionGroup implementation which simply delegates all function calls to an underlying ConnectionGroup.
DelegatingConnectionGroup(ConnectionGroup) - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingConnectionGroup
Wraps the given ConnectionGroup such that all function calls against this DelegatingConnectionGroup will be delegated to it.
DelegatingDirectory<ObjectType extends Identifiable> - Class in org.apache.guacamole.net.auth
Directory implementation which simply delegates all function calls to an underlying Directory.
DelegatingDirectory(Directory<ObjectType>) - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingDirectory
Wraps the given Directory such that all function calls against this DelegatingDirectory will be delegated to it.
DelegatingEnvironment - Class in org.apache.guacamole.environment
Environment implementation which simply delegates all function calls to a wrapped Environment instance.
DelegatingEnvironment(Environment) - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.environment.DelegatingEnvironment
Creates a new DelegatingEnvironment which delegates all function calls to the given Environment.
DelegatingSharingProfile - Class in org.apache.guacamole.net.auth
SharingProfile implementation which simply delegates all function calls to an underlying SharingProfile.
DelegatingSharingProfile(SharingProfile) - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingSharingProfile
Wraps the given SharingProfile such that all function calls against this DelegatingSharingProfile will be delegated to it.
DelegatingUser - Class in org.apache.guacamole.net.auth
User implementation which simply delegates all function calls to an underlying User.
DelegatingUser(User) - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingUser
Wraps the given User such that all function calls against this DelegatingUser will be delegated to it.
DelegatingUserContext - Class in org.apache.guacamole.net.auth
UserContext implementation which simply delegates all function calls to an underlying UserContext.
DelegatingUserContext(UserContext) - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingUserContext
Wraps the given UserContext such that all function calls against this DelegatingUserContext will be delegated to it.
DelegatingUserGroup - Class in org.apache.guacamole.net.auth
UserGroup implementation which simply delegates all function calls to an underlying UserGroup.
DelegatingUserGroup(UserGroup) - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingUserGroup
Wraps the given UserGroup such that all function calls against this DelegatingUserGroup will be delegated to it.
DELETE - org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.permission.ObjectPermission.Type
Delete an object.
Directory<ObjectType extends Identifiable> - Interface in org.apache.guacamole.net.auth
Provides access to a collection of all objects with associated identifiers, and allows user manipulation and removal.
DocumentHandler - Class in org.apache.guacamole.xml
A simple ContentHandler implementation which digests SAX document events and produces simpler tag-level events, maintaining its own stack for the convenience of the tag handlers.
DocumentHandler(String, TagHandler) - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.xml.DocumentHandler
Creates a new DocumentHandler which will use the given TagHandler to handle the root element.


EMAIL - Static variable in class org.apache.guacamole.form.Field.Type
An email address field.
EMAIL_ADDRESS - Static variable in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.User.Attribute
The email address of the user.
EmailField - Class in org.apache.guacamole.form
Represents a text field which may contain an email address.
EmailField(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.form.EmailField
Creates a new EmailField with the given name.
EMPTY - Static variable in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.credentials.CredentialsInfo
CredentialsInfo object which describes empty credentials.
EMPTY_SET - Static variable in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.permission.ObjectPermissionSet
An immutable instance of ObjectPermissionSet which contains no permissions.
EMPTY_SET - Static variable in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.permission.SystemPermissionSet
An immutable instance of SystemPermissionSet which contains no permissions.
EMPTY_SET - Static variable in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.RelatedObjectSet
An immutable instance of RelatedObjectSEt which contains no objects.
endElement(String, String, String) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.xml.DocumentHandler
ENUM - Static variable in class org.apache.guacamole.form.Field.Type
An enumerated field, whose legal values are fully enumerated by a provided, finite list.
EnumField - Class in org.apache.guacamole.form
Represents an arbitrary field with a finite, enumerated set of possible values.
EnumField(String, Collection<String>) - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.form.EnumField
Creates a new EnumField with the given name and possible values.
EnumGuacamoleProperty<T extends Enum<T>> - Class in org.apache.guacamole.properties
A GuacamoleProperty whose possible values are defined by an enum.
EnumGuacamoleProperty(Class<T>) - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.properties.EnumGuacamoleProperty
Creates a new EnumGuacamoleProperty which parses String property values into corresponding enum constants as defined by the EnumGuacamoleProperty.PropertyValue annotations associated with those constants.
EnumGuacamoleProperty(String, T, Object...) - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.properties.EnumGuacamoleProperty
Creates a new EnumGuacamoleProperty which parses the given String property values into the given corresponding enum constants.
EnumGuacamoleProperty(Map<String, T>) - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.properties.EnumGuacamoleProperty
Creates a new EnumGuacamoleProperty which parses String property values into corresponding enum constants as defined by the given Map.
EnumGuacamoleProperty.PropertyValue - Annotation Type in org.apache.guacamole.properties
Defines the string value which should be accepted and parsed into the annotated enum constant.
Environment - Interface in org.apache.guacamole.environment
The environment of an arbitrary Guacamole instance, describing available protocols, configuration parameters, and the GUACAMOLE_HOME directory.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractIdentifiable
equals(Object) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractSharingProfile
equals(Object) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.permission.ObjectPermission
equals(Object) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.permission.SystemPermission


Field - Class in org.apache.guacamole.form
Represents an arbitrary field, such as an HTTP parameter, the parameter of a remote desktop protocol, or an input field within a form.
Field() - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.form.Field
Creates a new Parameter with no associated name or type.
Field(String, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.form.Field
Creates a new Field with the given name and type.
Field(String, String, Collection<String>) - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.form.Field
Creates a new Field with the given name, type, and possible values.
Field.Type - Class in org.apache.guacamole.form
All types of fields which are available by default.
FieldOption - Class in org.apache.guacamole.form
Describes an available legal value for an enumerated field.
FieldOption() - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.form.FieldOption
Creates a new FieldOption with no associated value or title.
FieldOption(String, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.form.FieldOption
Creates a new FieldOption having the given value and title.
FileGuacamoleProperties - Class in org.apache.guacamole.properties
GuacamoleProperties implementation which reads all properties from a standard Java properties file.
FileGuacamoleProperties(File) - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.properties.FileGuacamoleProperties
Creates a new FileGuacamoleProperties which reads all properties from the given standard Java properties file.
FileGuacamoleProperty - Class in org.apache.guacamole.properties
A GuacamoleProperty whose value is a filename.
FileGuacamoleProperty() - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.properties.FileGuacamoleProperty
filter(String) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.token.TokenFilter
Filters the given string, replacing any tokens with their corresponding values.
filterValues(Map<?, String>) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.token.TokenFilter
Given an arbitrary map containing String values, replace each non-null value with the corresponding filtered value.
Form - Class in org.apache.guacamole.form
Information which describes logical set of fields.
Form() - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.form.Form
Creates a new Form object with no associated fields.
Form(String, Collection<Field>) - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.form.Form
Creates a new Form object having the given name and containing the given fields.
format(Integer) - Static method in class org.apache.guacamole.form.NumericField
Formats the given integer in the format required by a numeric field.
format(Date) - Static method in class org.apache.guacamole.form.DateField
Converts the given date into a string which follows the format used by date fields.
format(Date) - Static method in class org.apache.guacamole.form.TimeField
Converts the given time into a string which follows the format used by time fields.
FORMAT - Static variable in class org.apache.guacamole.form.DateField
The date format used by date fields, compatible with SimpleDateFormat.
FORMAT - Static variable in class org.apache.guacamole.form.TimeField
The time format used by time fields, compatible with SimpleDateFormat.
FULL_NAME - Static variable in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.User.Attribute
The user's full name.


get(String) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DecoratingDirectory
get(String) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingDirectory
get(String) - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.Directory
Returns the object having the given identifier.
get(String) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleDirectory
getAccessibleObjects(Collection<ObjectPermission.Type>, Collection<String>) - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.permission.ObjectPermissionSet
Tests whether this user has the specified permissions for the objects having the given identifiers.
getAccessibleObjects(Collection<ObjectPermission.Type>, Collection<String>) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleObjectPermissionSet
getActiveConnectionDirectory() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractUserContext
Retrieves a Directory which can be used to view and manipulate active connections, but only as allowed by the permissions given to the user.
getActiveConnectionDirectory() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingUserContext
getActiveConnectionDirectory() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.UserContext
Retrieves a Directory which can be used to view and manipulate active connections, but only as allowed by the permissions given to the user.
getActiveConnectionPermissions() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractUser
Returns all permissions given to this object regarding currently-active connections.
getActiveConnectionPermissions() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractUserGroup
Returns all permissions given to this object regarding currently-active connections.
getActiveConnectionPermissions() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingUser
getActiveConnectionPermissions() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingUserGroup
getActiveConnectionPermissions() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.Permissions
Returns all permissions given to this object regarding currently-active connections.
getActiveConnections() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.ActiveConnection
getActiveConnections() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.Connectable
Returns the number of active connections associated with this object.
getActiveConnections() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingConnection
getActiveConnections() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingConnectionGroup
getActiveConnections() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleConnection
getActiveConnections() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleConnectionGroup
getAll(Collection<String>) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DecoratingDirectory
getAll(Collection<String>) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingDirectory
getAll(Collection<String>) - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.Directory
Returns the objects having the given identifiers.
getAll(Collection<String>) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleDirectory
getAttributes() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractUser
Returns all attributes associated with this object.
getAttributes() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractUserGroup
Returns all attributes associated with this object.
getAttributes() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.Attributes
Returns all attributes associated with this object.
getAttributes() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingConnection
getAttributes() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingConnectionGroup
getAttributes() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingSharingProfile
getAttributes() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingUser
getAttributes() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingUserGroup
getAttributes() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleConnection
getAttributes() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleConnectionGroup
getAuthenticatedUser() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.event.AuthenticationSuccessEvent
getAuthenticatedUser() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.event.TunnelCloseEvent
getAuthenticatedUser() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.event.TunnelConnectEvent
getAuthenticatedUser() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.event.UserEvent
Returns the AuthenticatedUser identifying the user triggering the event, if any.
getAuthenticationProvider() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AuthenticatedUser
Returns the AuthenticationProvider that authenticated this user.
getAuthenticationProvider() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingUserContext
getAuthenticationProvider() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleUserContext
getAuthenticationProvider() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.UserContext
Returns the AuthenticationProvider which created this UserContext, which may not be the same AuthenticationProvider that authenticated the user associated with this UserContext.
getAuthorizedConfigurations(Credentials) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleAuthenticationProvider
Given an arbitrary credentials object, returns a Map containing all configurations authorized by those credentials.
getConfiguration() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractConnection
getConfiguration() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.Connection
Returns the GuacamoleConfiguration associated with this Connection.
getConfiguration() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingConnection
getConnectionAttributes() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractUserContext
Retrieves a collection of all attributes applicable to connections.
getConnectionAttributes() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingUserContext
getConnectionAttributes() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.UserContext
Retrieves a collection of all attributes applicable to connections.
getConnectionDirectory() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractUserContext
Retrieves a Directory which can be used to view and manipulate connections and their configurations, but only as allowed by the permissions given to the user.
getConnectionDirectory() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingUserContext
getConnectionDirectory() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleUserContext
getConnectionDirectory() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.TokenInjectingUserContext
getConnectionDirectory() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.UserContext
Retrieves a Directory which can be used to view and manipulate connections and their configurations, but only as allowed by the permissions given to the user.
getConnectionForms() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.protocols.ProtocolInfo
Returns a mutable collection of forms describing all known parameters for a connection using this protocol.
getConnectionGroupAttributes() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractUserContext
Retrieves a collection of all attributes applicable to connection groups.
getConnectionGroupAttributes() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingUserContext
getConnectionGroupAttributes() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.UserContext
Retrieves a collection of all attributes applicable to connection groups.
getConnectionGroupDirectory() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractUserContext
Retrieves a Directory which can be used to view and manipulate connection groups and their members, but only as allowed by the permissions given to the user.
getConnectionGroupDirectory() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingUserContext
getConnectionGroupDirectory() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.TokenInjectingUserContext
getConnectionGroupDirectory() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.UserContext
Retrieves a Directory which can be used to view and manipulate connection groups and their members, but only as allowed by the permissions given to the user.
getConnectionGroupIdentifiers() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.ConnectionGroup
Returns the identifiers of all readable connection groups that are children of this connection group.
getConnectionGroupIdentifiers() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingConnectionGroup
getConnectionGroupIdentifiers() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleConnectionGroup
getConnectionGroupPermissions() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractUser
Returns all connection group permissions given to this object.
getConnectionGroupPermissions() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractUserGroup
Returns all connection group permissions given to this object.
getConnectionGroupPermissions() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingUser
getConnectionGroupPermissions() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingUserGroup
getConnectionGroupPermissions() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.Permissions
Returns all connection group permissions given to this object.
getConnectionGroupPermissions() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleUser
getConnectionHistory() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractUserContext
Retrieves all connection records visible to current user.
getConnectionHistory() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.Connection
Returns an ActivityRecordSet containing ConnectionRecords that represent the usage history of this Connection, including any active users.
getConnectionHistory() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingConnection
getConnectionHistory() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingUserContext
getConnectionHistory() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleConnection
getConnectionHistory() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.UserContext
Retrieves all connection records visible to current user.
getConnectionIdentifier() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractActiveConnection
getConnectionIdentifier() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.ActiveConnection
Returns the identifier of the connection being actively used.
getConnectionIdentifier() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.ConnectionRecord
Returns the identifier of the connection associated with this connection record.
getConnectionIdentifiers() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.ConnectionGroup
Returns the identifiers of all readable connections that are children of this connection group.
getConnectionIdentifiers() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingConnectionGroup
getConnectionIdentifiers() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleConnectionGroup
getConnectionName() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.ConnectionRecord
Returns the name of the connection associated with this connection record.
getConnectionPermissions() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractUser
Returns all connection permissions given to this object.
getConnectionPermissions() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractUserGroup
Returns all connection permissions given to this object.
getConnectionPermissions() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingUser
getConnectionPermissions() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingUserGroup
getConnectionPermissions() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.Permissions
Returns all connection permissions given to this object.
getConnectionPermissions() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleUser
getCredentials() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AuthenticatedUser
Returns the credentials that the user provided when they successfully authenticated.
getCredentials() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.event.AuthenticationFailureEvent
getCredentials() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.event.AuthenticationSuccessEvent
getCredentials() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.event.CredentialEvent
Returns the current credentials of the user triggering the event, if any.
getCredentials() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.event.TunnelCloseEvent
getCredentials() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.event.TunnelConnectEvent
getCredentialsInfo() - Method in exception org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.credentials.GuacamoleCredentialsException
Returns information describing the form of valid credentials.
getDefaultGuacamoleProxyConfiguration() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.environment.DelegatingEnvironment
getDefaultGuacamoleProxyConfiguration() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.environment.Environment
Returns the connection information which should be used, by default, to connect to guacd when establishing a remote desktop connection.
getDefaultGuacamoleProxyConfiguration() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.environment.LocalEnvironment
getDelegateConnection() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingConnection
Returns the underlying Connection wrapped by this DelegatingConnection.
getDelegateConnectionGroup() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingConnectionGroup
Returns the underlying ConnectionGroup wrapped by this DelegatingConnectionGroup.
getDelegateDirectory() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingDirectory
Returns the underlying Directory wrapped by this DelegatingDirectory.
getDelegateSharingProfile() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingSharingProfile
Returns the underlying SharingProfile wrapped by this DelegatingSharingProfile.
getDelegateUser() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingUser
Returns the underlying User wrapped by this DelegatingUser.
getDelegateUserContext() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingUserContext
Returns the underlying UserContext wrapped by this DelegatingUserContext.
getDelegateUserGroupGroup() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingUserGroup
Returns the underlying UserGroup wrapped by this DelegatingUserGroup.
getEffectivePermissions() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractUser
Returns a read-only view of all permissions granted to this user.
getEffectivePermissions() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingUser
getEffectivePermissions() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.User
Returns a read-only view of all permissions granted to this user.
getEffectiveUserGroups() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractAuthenticatedUser
getEffectiveUserGroups() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AuthenticatedUser
Returns a read-only set of the identifiers of all user groups which apply to this authenticated user.
getEncryptionMethod() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.GuacamoleProxyConfiguration
Returns the type of encryption required by guacd.
getEndDate() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.ActivityRecord
Returns the date and time the activity ended, if applicable.
getFields() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.form.Form
Returns a mutable collection of the fields associated with this form.
getFields() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.credentials.CredentialsInfo
Returns all fields required for valid credentials as described by this object.
getFullConfiguration() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleConnection
Returns the GuacamoleConfiguration describing how to connect to this connection.
getGuacamoleHome() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.environment.DelegatingEnvironment
getGuacamoleHome() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.environment.Environment
Returns the Guacamole home directory as determined when this Environment object was created.
getGuacamoleHome() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.environment.LocalEnvironment
getHistory() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.Connection
This function has been deprecated in favor of Connection.getConnectionHistory(), which returns the connection history as an ActivityRecordSet that can be easily sorted and filtered. While the getHistory() method is provided for API compatibility, new implementations should avoid use of this method and, instead, implement the getConnectionHistory() method.
getHistory() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingConnection
getHistory() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingUser
getHistory() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.User
This function is deprecated in favor of User.getUserHistory(), which returns the login history as an ActivityRecordSet which supports various sort and filter functions. While this continues to be defined for API compatibility, new implementation should avoid this function and use getUserHistory(), instead.
getHostname() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.GuacamoleProxyConfiguration
Returns the hostname or address of the machine where guacd is running.
getIdentifier() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractIdentifiable
getIdentifier() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractSharingProfile
getIdentifier() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AuthenticationProvider
Returns the identifier which uniquely and consistently identifies this AuthenticationProvider implementation.
getIdentifier() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingConnection
getIdentifier() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingConnectionGroup
getIdentifier() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingSharingProfile
getIdentifier() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingUser
getIdentifier() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingUserGroup
getIdentifier() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.Identifiable
Returns the unique identifier assigned to this object.
getIdentifiers() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingDirectory
getIdentifiers() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.Directory
Returns a Set containing all identifiers for all objects within this Directory.
getIdentifiers() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleDirectory
getInstance() - Static method in class org.apache.guacamole.environment.LocalEnvironment
Returns a singleton instance of LocalEnvironment which may be shared by the Guacamole web application and all extensions.
getKey() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableMessage
Returns the arbitrary key which can be used to look up the message to be displayed in the user's native language.
getLastActive() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractUser
Returns the date and time that this user was last active.
getLastActive() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.Connection
Returns the date and time that this connection was last used.
getLastActive() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingConnection
getLastActive() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingUser
getLastActive() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleConnection
getLastActive() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.User
Returns the date and time that this user was last active.
getMemberUserGroups() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractUserGroup
Returns a set of all readable user groups that are members of this user group.
getMemberUserGroups() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingUserGroup
getMemberUserGroups() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.UserGroup
Returns a set of all readable user groups that are members of this user group.
getMemberUsers() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractUserGroup
Returns a set of all readable users that are members of this user group.
getMemberUsers() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingUserGroup
getMemberUsers() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.UserGroup
Returns a set of all readable users that are members of this user group.
getName() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.form.Field
Returns the unique name associated with this field.
getName() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.form.Form
Returns the name of this form.
getName() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractConnection
getName() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractConnectionGroup
getName() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractSharingProfile
getName() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.Connection
Returns the name assigned to this Connection.
getName() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.ConnectionGroup
Returns the name assigned to this ConnectionGroup.
getName() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingConnection
getName() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingConnectionGroup
getName() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingSharingProfile
getName() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.SharingProfile
Returns the human-readable name assigned to this SharingProfile.
getName() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.properties.GuacamoleProperty
Returns the name of the property in guacamole.properties that this GuacamoleProperty will parse.
getName() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.protocols.ProtocolInfo
Returns the unique name of this protocol.
getObjectIdentifier() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.permission.ObjectPermission
Returns the identifier of the specific object affected by this permission.
getObjects() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.RelatedObjectSet
Returns a Set which contains the identifiers of all objects contained within this RelatedObjectSet.
getObjects() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleDirectory
Returns the Map which currently backs this SimpleDirectory.
getObjects() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleRelatedObjectSet
getOptions() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.form.Field
Returns a mutable collection of field options.
getParameters() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractSharingProfile
getParameters() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingSharingProfile
getParameters() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.SharingProfile
Returns a map which contains connection parameter name/value pairs as key/value pairs.
getParentIdentifier() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractConnection
getParentIdentifier() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractConnectionGroup
getParentIdentifier() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.Connection
Returns the unique identifier of the parent ConnectionGroup for this Connection.
getParentIdentifier() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.ConnectionGroup
Returns the unique identifier of the parent ConnectionGroup for this ConnectionGroup.
getParentIdentifier() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingConnection
getParentIdentifier() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingConnectionGroup
getPassword() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractUser
getPassword() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.Credentials
Returns the password associated with this set of credentials.
getPassword() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingUser
getPassword() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.User
Returns this user's password.
getPermissions() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.permission.ObjectPermissionSet
getPermissions() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.permission.PermissionSet
Returns a Set which contains all permissions granted within this permission set.
getPermissions() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.permission.SystemPermissionSet
getPermissions() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleObjectPermissionSet
getPermissions() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleSystemPermissionSet
getPort() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.GuacamoleProxyConfiguration
Returns the port that guacd is listening on.
getPrimaryConnectionIdentifier() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractSharingProfile
getPrimaryConnectionIdentifier() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingSharingProfile
getPrimaryConnectionIdentifier() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.SharingProfile
Returns the identifier of the primary connection associated with this connection.
getPrivileged() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractUserContext
Returns a user context which provides privileged access.
getPrivileged() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingUserContext
getPrivileged() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.UserContext
Returns a user context which provides privileged access.
getProperty(String) - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.properties.GuacamoleProperties
Returns the value of the property having the given name, if defined.
getProperty(String) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.properties.PropertiesGuacamoleProperties
getProperty(GuacamoleProperty<Type>) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.environment.DelegatingEnvironment
getProperty(GuacamoleProperty<Type>) - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.environment.Environment
Given a GuacamoleProperty, parses and returns the value set for that property in guacamole.properties, if any.
getProperty(GuacamoleProperty<Type>) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.environment.LocalEnvironment
getProperty(GuacamoleProperty<Type>, Type) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.environment.DelegatingEnvironment
getProperty(GuacamoleProperty<Type>, Type) - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.environment.Environment
Given a GuacamoleProperty, parses and returns the value set for that property in guacamole.properties, if any.
getProperty(GuacamoleProperty<Type>, Type) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.environment.LocalEnvironment
getProtocol(String) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.environment.DelegatingEnvironment
getProtocol(String) - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.environment.Environment
Returns the protocol having the given name.
getProtocol(String) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.environment.LocalEnvironment
getProtocols() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.environment.DelegatingEnvironment
getProtocols() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.environment.Environment
Returns a map of all available protocols, where each key is the name of that protocol as would be passed to guacd during connection.
getProtocols() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.environment.LocalEnvironment
getRedirectUrl() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.form.RedirectField
Returns the URL to which the user should be redirected.
getRemoteAddress() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.Credentials
Returns the address of the client end of the connection which provided these credentials, if known.
getRemoteHost() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractActiveConnection
getRemoteHost() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.ActiveConnection
Returns the hostname or IP address of the remote host that initiated the connection, if known.
getRemoteHost() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.ActivityRecord
Returns the hostname or IP address of the remote host that performed the activity associated with this record, if known.
getRemoteHostname() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.Credentials
Returns the hostname of the client end of the connection which provided these credentials, if known.
getRequest() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.Credentials
Returns the HttpServletRequest associated with this set of credentials.
getRequiredProperty(GuacamoleProperty<Type>) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.environment.DelegatingEnvironment
getRequiredProperty(GuacamoleProperty<Type>) - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.environment.Environment
Given a GuacamoleProperty, parses and returns the value set for that property in guacamole.properties.
getRequiredProperty(GuacamoleProperty<Type>) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.environment.LocalEnvironment
getResource() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractAuthenticationProvider
Returns an arbitrary REST resource representing this AuthenticationProvider.
getResource() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractUserContext
Returns an arbitrary REST resource representing this UserContext.
getResource() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AuthenticationProvider
Returns an arbitrary REST resource representing this AuthenticationProvider.
getResource() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingUserContext
getResource() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleUserContext
getResource() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.UserContext
Returns an arbitrary REST resource representing this UserContext.
getRootConnectionGroup() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractUserContext
Retrieves a connection group which can be used to view and manipulate connections, but only as allowed by the permissions given to the user of this UserContext.
getRootConnectionGroup() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingUserContext
getRootConnectionGroup() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.UserContext
Retrieves a connection group which can be used to view and manipulate connections, but only as allowed by the permissions given to the user of this UserContext.
getSession() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.Credentials
Returns the HttpSession associated with this set of credentials.
getSharingCredentials(String) - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.Shareable
Returns a full set of credentials which can be used to authenticate as a user with access strictly to this object.
getSharingProfileAttributes() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractUserContext
Retrieves a collection of all attributes applicable to sharing profiles.
getSharingProfileAttributes() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingUserContext
getSharingProfileAttributes() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.UserContext
Retrieves a collection of all attributes applicable to sharing profiles.
getSharingProfileDirectory() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractUserContext
Retrieves a Directory which can be used to view and manipulate sharing profiles and their configurations, but only as allowed by the permissions given to the user.
getSharingProfileDirectory() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingUserContext
getSharingProfileDirectory() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.UserContext
Retrieves a Directory which can be used to view and manipulate sharing profiles and their configurations, but only as allowed by the permissions given to the user.
getSharingProfileForms() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.protocols.ProtocolInfo
Returns a mutable collection of forms describing all known parameters relevant to a sharing profile whose primary connection uses this protocol.
getSharingProfileIdentifier() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractActiveConnection
getSharingProfileIdentifier() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.ActiveConnection
Returns the identifier of the sharing profile being actively used.
getSharingProfileIdentifier() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.ConnectionRecord
Returns the identifier of the sharing profile that was used to access the connection associated with this connection record.
getSharingProfileIdentifiers() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractConnection
getSharingProfileIdentifiers() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.Connection
Returns identifiers of all readable sharing profiles that can be used to join this connection when it is active.
getSharingProfileIdentifiers() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingConnection
getSharingProfileName() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.ConnectionRecord
Returns the name of the sharing profile that was used to access the connection associated with this connection record.
getSharingProfilePermissions() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractUser
Returns all sharing profile permissions given to this object.
getSharingProfilePermissions() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractUserGroup
Returns all sharing profile permissions given to this object.
getSharingProfilePermissions() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingUser
getSharingProfilePermissions() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingUserGroup
getSharingProfilePermissions() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.Permissions
Returns all sharing profile permissions given to this object.
getStartDate() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractActiveConnection
getStartDate() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.ActiveConnection
Returns the date and time the connection began.
getStartDate() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.ActivityRecord
Returns the date and time the activity began.
getSystemPermissions() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractUser
Returns all system-level permissions given to this object.
getSystemPermissions() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractUserGroup
Returns all system-level permissions given to this object.
getSystemPermissions() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingUser
getSystemPermissions() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingUserGroup
getSystemPermissions() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.Permissions
Returns all system-level permissions given to this object.
getTitle() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.form.FieldOption
Returns the human-readable title describing the effect of this option.
getToken(String) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.token.TokenFilter
Returns the value of the token with the given name, or null if no such token has been set.
getTokens() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.token.TokenFilter
Returns a map of all tokens, with each key being a token name, and each value being the corresponding token value.
getTokens(Connection) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.TokenInjectingUserContext
Returns the tokens which should be added to an in-progress call to connect() for the given Connection.
getTokens(ConnectionGroup) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.TokenInjectingUserContext
Returns the tokens which should be added to an in-progress call to connect() for the given ConnectionGroup.
getTranslatableMessage() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.form.RedirectField
getTranslatableMessage() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.language.Translatable
Returns a message which can be translated using a translation service, consisting of a translation key and optional set of substitution variables.
getTranslatableMessage() - Method in exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleClientBadTypeException
getTranslatableMessage() - Method in exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleClientException
getTranslatableMessage() - Method in exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleClientOverrunException
getTranslatableMessage() - Method in exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleClientTimeoutException
getTranslatableMessage() - Method in exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleClientTooManyException
getTranslatableMessage() - Method in exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleConnectionClosedException
getTranslatableMessage() - Method in exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleCredentialsException
getTranslatableMessage() - Method in exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleInsufficientCredentialsException
getTranslatableMessage() - Method in exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleInvalidCredentialsException
getTranslatableMessage() - Method in exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleResourceClosedException
getTranslatableMessage() - Method in exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleResourceConflictException
getTranslatableMessage() - Method in exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleResourceNotFoundException
getTranslatableMessage() - Method in exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleSecurityException
getTranslatableMessage() - Method in exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleServerBusyException
getTranslatableMessage() - Method in exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleServerException
getTranslatableMessage() - Method in exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleSessionClosedException
getTranslatableMessage() - Method in exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleSessionConflictException
getTranslatableMessage() - Method in exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleSessionTimeoutException
getTranslatableMessage() - Method in exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleUnauthorizedException
getTranslatableMessage() - Method in exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleUnsupportedException
getTranslatableMessage() - Method in exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleUpstreamException
getTranslatableMessage() - Method in exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleUpstreamNotFoundException
getTranslatableMessage() - Method in exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleUpstreamTimeoutException
getTranslatableMessage() - Method in exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleUpstreamUnavailableException
getTunnel() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractActiveConnection
getTunnel() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.ActiveConnection
Returns the connected GuacamoleTunnel being used.
getTunnel() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.event.TunnelCloseEvent
getTunnel() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.event.TunnelConnectEvent
getTunnel() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.event.TunnelEvent
Returns the tunnel associated with this event, if any.
getType() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.form.Field
Returns the type of this field.
getType() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractConnectionGroup
getType() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.ConnectionGroup
Returns the type of this connection.
getType() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingConnectionGroup
getType() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.permission.ObjectPermission
getType() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.permission.Permission
Returns the type of operation affected by this permission.
getType() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.permission.SystemPermission
getUserAttributes() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractUserContext
Retrieves a collection of all attributes applicable to users.
getUserAttributes() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingUserContext
getUserAttributes() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.UserContext
Retrieves a collection of all attributes applicable to users.
getUserContext(AuthenticatedUser) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractAuthenticationProvider
Returns the UserContext of the user authenticated by the given credentials.
getUserContext(AuthenticatedUser) - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AuthenticationProvider
Returns the UserContext of the user authenticated by the given credentials.
getUserContext(AuthenticatedUser) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleAuthenticationProvider
getUserDirectory() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractUserContext
Retrieves a Directory which can be used to view and manipulate other users, but only as allowed by the permissions given to the user of this UserContext.
getUserDirectory() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingUserContext
getUserDirectory() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.UserContext
Retrieves a Directory which can be used to view and manipulate other users, but only as allowed by the permissions given to the user of this UserContext.
getUserGroupAttributes() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractUserContext
Retrieves a collection of all attributes applicable to user groups.
getUserGroupAttributes() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingUserContext
getUserGroupAttributes() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.UserContext
Retrieves a collection of all attributes applicable to user groups.
getUserGroupDirectory() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractUserContext
Retrieves a Directory which can be used to view and manipulate user groups, but only as allowed by the permissions given to the user of this UserContext.
getUserGroupDirectory() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingUserContext
getUserGroupDirectory() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.UserContext
Retrieves a Directory which can be used to view and manipulate user groups, but only as allowed by the permissions given to the user of this UserContext.
getUserGroupPermissions() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractUser
Returns all user group permissions given to this object.
getUserGroupPermissions() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractUserGroup
Returns all user group permissions given to this object.
getUserGroupPermissions() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingUser
getUserGroupPermissions() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingUserGroup
getUserGroupPermissions() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.Permissions
Returns all user group permissions given to this object.
getUserGroups() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractUser
Returns a set of all readable user groups of which this user is a member.
getUserGroups() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractUserGroup
Returns a set of all readable user groups of which this user group is a member.
getUserGroups() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingUser
getUserGroups() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingUserGroup
getUserGroups() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.User
Returns a set of all readable user groups of which this user is a member.
getUserGroups() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.UserGroup
Returns a set of all readable user groups of which this user group is a member.
getUserHistory() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractUserContext
Retrieves all user history records visible to current user.
getUserHistory() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingUser
getUserHistory() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingUserContext
getUserHistory() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.User
Returns an ActivityRecordSet containing ActivityRecords representing the login history for this user, including any active sessions.
getUserHistory() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.UserContext
Retrieves all user history records visible to current user.
getUsername() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractActiveConnection
getUsername() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.ActiveConnection
Returns the name of the user who is using this connection.
getUsername() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.ActivityRecord
Returns the name of the user who performed or is performing the activity at the times given by this record.
getUsername() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.Credentials
Returns the username associated with this set of credentials.
getUserPermissions() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractUser
Returns all user permissions given to this object.
getUserPermissions() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractUserGroup
Returns all user permissions given to this object.
getUserPermissions() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingUser
getUserPermissions() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingUserGroup
getUserPermissions() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.Permissions
Returns all user permissions given to this object.
getUserPermissions() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleUser
getValue() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.form.FieldOption
Returns the value that will be assigned if this option is chosen.
getValue(String) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.credentials.UserCredentials
Returns the value defined by this UserCrendentials object for the field having the given name.
getValue(Field) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.credentials.UserCredentials
Returns the value defined by this UserCrendentials object for the given field.
getValues() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.credentials.UserCredentials
Returns a map of field names to values which backs this UserCredentials object.
getVariables() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableMessage
Returns an arbitrary object whose properties should be substituted for the corresponding placeholders within the string associated with the key.
GMT_REGEX - Static variable in class org.apache.guacamole.properties.TimeZoneGuacamoleProperty
A regex that matches valid variants of GMT timezones.
GuacamoleCredentialsException - Exception in org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.credentials
A security-related exception thrown when access is denied to a user because of a problem related to the provided credentials.
GuacamoleCredentialsException(String, Throwable, CredentialsInfo) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.credentials.GuacamoleCredentialsException
Creates a new GuacamoleInvalidCredentialsException with the given message, cause, and associated credential information.
GuacamoleCredentialsException(String, CredentialsInfo) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.credentials.GuacamoleCredentialsException
Creates a new GuacamoleInvalidCredentialsException with the given message and associated credential information.
GuacamoleCredentialsException(Throwable, CredentialsInfo) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.credentials.GuacamoleCredentialsException
Creates a new GuacamoleInvalidCredentialsException with the given cause and associated credential information.
GuacamoleInsufficientCredentialsException - Exception in org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.credentials
A security-related exception thrown when access is denied to a user because the provided credentials are not sufficient for authentication to succeed.
GuacamoleInsufficientCredentialsException(String, Throwable, CredentialsInfo) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.credentials.GuacamoleInsufficientCredentialsException
Creates a new GuacamoleInsufficientCredentialsException with the given message, cause, and associated credential information.
GuacamoleInsufficientCredentialsException(String, CredentialsInfo) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.credentials.GuacamoleInsufficientCredentialsException
Creates a new GuacamoleInsufficientCredentialsException with the given message and associated credential information.
GuacamoleInsufficientCredentialsException(Throwable, CredentialsInfo) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.credentials.GuacamoleInsufficientCredentialsException
Creates a new GuacamoleInsufficientCredentialsException with the given cause and associated credential information.
GuacamoleInvalidCredentialsException - Exception in org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.credentials
A security-related exception thrown when access is denied to a user because the provided credentials are invalid.
GuacamoleInvalidCredentialsException(String, Throwable, CredentialsInfo) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.credentials.GuacamoleInvalidCredentialsException
Creates a new GuacamoleInvalidCredentialsException with the given message, cause, and associated credential information.
GuacamoleInvalidCredentialsException(String, CredentialsInfo) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.credentials.GuacamoleInvalidCredentialsException
Creates a new GuacamoleInvalidCredentialsException with the given message and associated credential information.
GuacamoleInvalidCredentialsException(Throwable, CredentialsInfo) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.credentials.GuacamoleInvalidCredentialsException
Creates a new GuacamoleInvalidCredentialsException with the given cause and associated credential information.
GuacamoleProperties - Interface in org.apache.guacamole.properties
An arbitrary set of Guacamole configuration property name/value pairs.
GuacamoleProperty<Type> - Interface in org.apache.guacamole.properties
An abstract representation of a property in the guacamole.properties file, which parses into a specific type.
GuacamoleProxyConfiguration - Class in org.apache.guacamole.net.auth
Information which describes how the connection to guacd should be established.
GuacamoleProxyConfiguration(String, int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.GuacamoleProxyConfiguration
Creates a new GuacamoleProxyConfiguration having the given hostname and port, with encryption method being restricted to either NONE or SSL.
GuacamoleProxyConfiguration(String, int, GuacamoleProxyConfiguration.EncryptionMethod) - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.GuacamoleProxyConfiguration
Creates a new GuacamoleProxyConfiguration having the given hostname, port, and encryption method.
GuacamoleProxyConfiguration.EncryptionMethod - Enum in org.apache.guacamole.net.auth
All possible types of encryption used by guacd.
GUACD_HOSTNAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.guacamole.environment.Environment
The hostname of the server where guacd (the Guacamole proxy server) is running.
GUACD_PORT - Static variable in interface org.apache.guacamole.environment.Environment
The port that guacd (the Guacamole proxy server) is listening on.
GUACD_SSL - Static variable in interface org.apache.guacamole.environment.Environment
Whether guacd requires SSL/TLS on connections.


handleEvent(Object) - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.event.listener.Listener
Notifies the recipient that an event has occurred.
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractIdentifiable
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractSharingProfile
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.permission.ObjectPermission
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.permission.SystemPermission
hasPermission(ObjectPermission.Type, String) - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.permission.ObjectPermissionSet
Tests whether the permission of the given type is granted for the object having the given identifier.
hasPermission(ObjectPermission.Type, String) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleObjectPermissionSet
hasPermission(SystemPermission.Type) - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.permission.SystemPermissionSet
Tests whether the permission of the given type is granted.
hasPermission(SystemPermission.Type) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleSystemPermissionSet


Identifiable - Interface in org.apache.guacamole.net.auth
An object which has a deterministic, unique identifier, which may not be null.
init(Attributes) - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.xml.TagHandler
Called when the element corresponding to this TagHandler is first seen, just after an instance is created.
IntegerGuacamoleProperty - Class in org.apache.guacamole.properties
A GuacamoleProperty whose value is an integer.
IntegerGuacamoleProperty() - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.properties.IntegerGuacamoleProperty
invalidate() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractAuthenticatedUser
invalidate() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractUserContext
Invalidates this user context, releasing all associated resources.
invalidate() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AuthenticatedUser
Invalidates this authenticated user and their associated token such that they are no longer logged in.
invalidate() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingUserContext
invalidate() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.UserContext
Invalidates this user context, releasing all associated resources.
isActive() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.ActivityRecord
Returns whether the activity associated with this record is still ongoing.
isConnectable() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.ActiveConnection
Returns whether this ActiveConnection may be joined through a call to ActiveConnection.connect(org.apache.guacamole.protocol.GuacamoleClientInformation, java.util.Map) by the user that retrieved this ActiveConnection.


LANGUAGE - Static variable in class org.apache.guacamole.form.Field.Type
Field type which allows selection of languages.
LanguageField - Class in org.apache.guacamole.form
Represents a language field.
LanguageField(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.form.LanguageField
Creates a new LanguageField with the given name.
limit(int) - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.ActivityRecordSet
Returns the subset of records containing only the first limit records.
limit(int) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleActivityRecordSet
limit(int) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleConnectionRecordSet
Listener - Interface in org.apache.guacamole.net.event.listener
A listener for events that occur in handing various Guacamole requests such as authentication, tunnel connect/close, etc.
LocalEnvironment - Class in org.apache.guacamole.environment
The environment of the locally-running Guacamole instance, describing available protocols, configuration parameters, and the GUACAMOLE_HOME directory.
LocalEnvironment() - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.environment.LocalEnvironment
Extensions leveraging LocalEnvironment should instead use LocalEnvironment.getInstance() to obtain a singleton instance of the environment.
LongGuacamoleProperty - Class in org.apache.guacamole.properties
A GuacamoleProperty whose value is an long.
LongGuacamoleProperty() - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.properties.LongGuacamoleProperty


MULTILINE - Static variable in class org.apache.guacamole.form.Field.Type
A text field that can span more than one line.
MultilineField - Class in org.apache.guacamole.form
Represents a field which can contain multiple lines of text.
MultilineField(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.form.MultilineField
Creates a new MultilineField with the given name.


NONE - org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.GuacamoleProxyConfiguration.EncryptionMethod
Unencrypted (plaintext).
NUMERIC - Static variable in class org.apache.guacamole.form.Field.Type
A numeric field, whose value must contain only digits.
NumericField - Class in org.apache.guacamole.form
Represents a field which may contain only integer values.
NumericField(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.form.NumericField
Creates a new NumericField with the given name.


ObjectPermission - Class in org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.permission
A permission which affects a specific object, rather than the system as a whole.
ObjectPermission(ObjectPermission.Type, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.permission.ObjectPermission
Creates a new ObjectPermission having the given type and identifier.
ObjectPermission.Type - Enum in org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.permission
Specific types of object-level permissions.
ObjectPermissionSet - Interface in org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.permission
A set of permissions which affect arbitrary objects, where each object has an associated unique identifier.
org.apache.guacamole.environment - package org.apache.guacamole.environment
org.apache.guacamole.form - package org.apache.guacamole.form
Provides classes which describe the contents and semantics of forms which may be presented to the user.
org.apache.guacamole.language - package org.apache.guacamole.language
org.apache.guacamole.net.auth - package org.apache.guacamole.net.auth
Provides classes which can be used to extend or replace the authentication functionality of the Guacamole web application.
org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.credentials - package org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.credentials
org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.permission - package org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.permission
Provides classes which describe the various permissions a Guacamole user can be granted.
org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple - package org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple
Provides a basic AuthenticationProvider base class that can be used to create simple AuthenticationProviders in the same way allowed by the old authentication API.
org.apache.guacamole.net.event - package org.apache.guacamole.net.event
Provides classes for storing information about events that are triggered when users log into and use the Guacamole web application.
org.apache.guacamole.net.event.listener - package org.apache.guacamole.net.event.listener
Provides classes for hooking into various events that take place as users log into and use the Guacamole web application.
org.apache.guacamole.properties - package org.apache.guacamole.properties
Provides classes for reading properties from the web-application-wide guacamole.properties file.
org.apache.guacamole.protocols - package org.apache.guacamole.protocols
org.apache.guacamole.token - package org.apache.guacamole.token
org.apache.guacamole.xml - package org.apache.guacamole.xml
Classes driving the SAX-based XML parser used by the Guacamole web application.
ORGANIZATION - Static variable in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.User.Attribute
The organization, company, group, etc.
ORGANIZATIONAL - org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.ConnectionGroup.Type
A connection group that purely organizes other connections or connection groups, serving only as a container.
ORGANIZATIONAL_ROLE - Static variable in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.User.Attribute
The role that the user has at the organization, company, group, etc.


parse(String) - Static method in class org.apache.guacamole.form.DateField
Parses the given string into a corresponding date.
parse(String) - Static method in class org.apache.guacamole.form.LanguageField
Parses the given string into a language ID string.
parse(String) - Static method in class org.apache.guacamole.form.NumericField
Parses the given string as an integer, where the given string is in the format required by a numeric field.
parse(String) - Static method in class org.apache.guacamole.form.TextField
Parses the given string, interpreting empty strings as equivalent to null.
parse(String) - Static method in class org.apache.guacamole.form.TimeField
Parses the given string into a corresponding time.
parse(String) - Static method in class org.apache.guacamole.form.TimeZoneField
Parses the given string into a time zone ID string.
parseValue(String) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.properties.BooleanGuacamoleProperty
parseValue(String) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.properties.ByteArrayProperty
parseValue(String) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.properties.EnumGuacamoleProperty
parseValue(String) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.properties.FileGuacamoleProperty
parseValue(String) - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.properties.GuacamoleProperty
Parses the given string value into the type associated with this GuacamoleProperty.
parseValue(String) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.properties.IntegerGuacamoleProperty
parseValue(String) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.properties.LongGuacamoleProperty
parseValue(String) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.properties.StringGuacamoleProperty
parseValue(String) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.properties.StringListProperty
parseValue(String) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.properties.TimeZoneGuacamoleProperty
parseValue(String) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.properties.URIGuacamoleProperty
PASSWORD - Static variable in class org.apache.guacamole.form.Field.Type
A password field, whose value is sensitive and must be hidden.
PASSWORD - Static variable in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.credentials.CredentialsInfo
A field describing the password HTTP parameter expected by Guacamole during login, if passwords are being used.
PASSWORD_TOKEN - Static variable in class org.apache.guacamole.token.StandardTokens
The name of the password token added via addStandardTokens().
PasswordField - Class in org.apache.guacamole.form
Represents a field which contains sensitive text information related to authenticating a user.
PasswordField(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.form.PasswordField
Creates a new PasswordField with the given name.
Permission<Type extends Enum> - Interface in org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.permission
A permission which affects a specific type of operation, where all available operation types are defined by an enumeration.
Permissions - Interface in org.apache.guacamole.net.auth
An object which may be granted permissions to access/manipulate various other objects or aspects of the system.
PermissionSet<PermissionType extends Permission> - Interface in org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.permission
An arbitrary set of permissions.
PropertiesGuacamoleProperties - Class in org.apache.guacamole.properties
GuacamoleProperties implementation which reads all properties from a Properties object.
PropertiesGuacamoleProperties(Properties) - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.properties.PropertiesGuacamoleProperties
Creates a new PropertiesGuacamoleProperties which wraps the given Properties, providing access to the values of any properties defined therein.
ProtocolInfo - Class in org.apache.guacamole.protocols
Describes a protocol and all parameters associated with it, as required by a protocol plugin for guacd.
ProtocolInfo() - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.protocols.ProtocolInfo
Creates a new ProtocolInfo with no associated name or forms.
ProtocolInfo(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.protocols.ProtocolInfo
Creates a new ProtocolInfo having the given name, but without any forms.
ProtocolInfo(String, Collection<Form>) - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.protocols.ProtocolInfo
Creates a new ProtocolInfo having the given name and forms.
ProtocolInfo(String, Collection<Form>, Collection<Form>) - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.protocols.ProtocolInfo
Creates a new ProtocolInfo having the given name and forms.
putConnection(Connection) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleConnectionDirectory
An internal method for modifying the Connections in this Directory.
putConnectionGroup(ConnectionGroup) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleConnectionGroupDirectory
An internal method for modifying the ConnectionGroups in this Directory.


QUERY_PARAMETER - Static variable in class org.apache.guacamole.form.Field.Type
An HTTP query parameter which is expected to be embedded in the URL given to a user.


READ - org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.permission.ObjectPermission.Type
Read data within an object.
redecorate(UserContext, UserContext, AuthenticatedUser, Credentials) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractAuthenticationProvider
Given a UserContext returned by updateUserContext() of a different AuthenticationProvider, returns a UserContext instance which decorates (wraps) that UserContext, delegating and overriding implemented functions as necessary.
redecorate(UserContext, UserContext, AuthenticatedUser, Credentials) - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AuthenticationProvider
Given a UserContext returned by updateUserContext() of a different AuthenticationProvider, returns a UserContext instance which decorates (wraps) that UserContext, delegating and overriding implemented functions as necessary.
REDIRECT - Static variable in class org.apache.guacamole.form.Field.Type
A redirect field whose value is an encoded URL to which the user will be redirected.
RedirectField - Class in org.apache.guacamole.form
A Guacamole field that redirects a user to another page.
RedirectField(String, URI, TranslatableMessage) - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.form.RedirectField
Creates a new field which facilitates redirection of the user to another page.
RelatedObjectSet - Interface in org.apache.guacamole.net.auth
An arbitrary set of existing objects sharing some common relation.
remove(String) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingDirectory
remove(String) - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.Directory
Removes the object with the given identifier from the overall set.
remove(String) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleDirectory
removeConnection(String) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleConnectionDirectory
An internal method for removing a Connection from this Directory.
removeConnectionGroup(String) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleConnectionGroupDirectory
An internal method for removing a ConnectionGroup from this Directory.
removeObjects(Set<String>) - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.RelatedObjectSet
Removes each of the objects having the specified identifiers, if present.
removeObjects(Set<String>) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleRelatedObjectSet
removePermission(ObjectPermission.Type, String) - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.permission.ObjectPermissionSet
Removes the specified permission for the object having the given identifier.
removePermission(ObjectPermission.Type, String) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleObjectPermissionSet
removePermission(SystemPermission.Type) - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.permission.SystemPermissionSet
Removes the specified permission.
removePermission(SystemPermission.Type) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleSystemPermissionSet
removePermissions(Set<ObjectPermission>) - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.permission.ObjectPermissionSet
removePermissions(Set<ObjectPermission>) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleObjectPermissionSet
removePermissions(Set<SystemPermission>) - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.permission.SystemPermissionSet
removePermissions(Set<SystemPermission>) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleSystemPermissionSet
removePermissions(Set<PermissionType>) - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.permission.PermissionSet
Removes each of the specified permissions, if granted.
removeValue(String) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.credentials.UserCredentials
Removes (undefines) the value of the field having the given name, returning its previous value.
removeValue(Field) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.credentials.UserCredentials
Removes (undefines) the value of the given field returning its previous value.


self() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingUserContext
self() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleUserContext
self() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.UserContext
Returns the User whose access rights control the operations of this UserContext.
setAttributes(Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractUser
Sets the given attributes.
setAttributes(Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractUserGroup
Sets the given attributes.
setAttributes(Map<String, String>) - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.Attributes
Sets the given attributes.
setAttributes(Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingConnection
setAttributes(Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingConnectionGroup
setAttributes(Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingSharingProfile
setAttributes(Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingUser
setAttributes(Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingUserGroup
setAttributes(Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleConnection
setAttributes(Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleConnectionGroup
setConfiguration(GuacamoleConfiguration) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractConnection
setConfiguration(GuacamoleConfiguration) - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.Connection
Sets the GuacamoleConfiguration associated with this Connection.
setConfiguration(GuacamoleConfiguration) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingConnection
setConfiguration(GuacamoleConfiguration) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleConnection
setConnectionForms(Collection<Form>) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.protocols.ProtocolInfo
Sets the collection of forms describing all known parameters for a connection using this protocol.
setConnectionIdentifier(String) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractActiveConnection
setConnectionIdentifier(String) - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.ActiveConnection
Sets the identifier of the connection being actively used.
setFields(Collection<Field>) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.form.Form
Sets the collection of fields associated with this form.
setIdentifier(String) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractIdentifiable
setIdentifier(String) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractSharingProfile
setIdentifier(String) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingConnection
setIdentifier(String) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingConnectionGroup
setIdentifier(String) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingSharingProfile
setIdentifier(String) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingUser
setIdentifier(String) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingUserGroup
setIdentifier(String) - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.Identifiable
Sets the identifier assigned to this object.
setName(String) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.form.Field
Sets the unique name associated with this field.
setName(String) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.form.Form
Sets the name of this form.
setName(String) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractConnection
setName(String) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractConnectionGroup
setName(String) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractSharingProfile
setName(String) - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.Connection
Sets the name assigned to this Connection.
setName(String) - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.ConnectionGroup
Sets the name assigned to this ConnectionGroup.
setName(String) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingConnection
setName(String) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingConnectionGroup
setName(String) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingSharingProfile
setName(String) - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.SharingProfile
Sets the human-readable name assigned to this SharingProfile.
setName(String) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.protocols.ProtocolInfo
Sets the unique name of this protocol.
setObjects(Map<String, ObjectType>) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleDirectory
Sets the Map which backs this SimpleDirectory.
setObjects(Set<String>) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleRelatedObjectSet
Replaces the Set of object identifiers which backs this SimpleRelatedObjectSet.
setOptions(Collection<String>) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.form.Field
Sets the options available as possible values of this field.
setParameters(Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractSharingProfile
setParameters(Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingSharingProfile
setParameters(Map<String, String>) - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.SharingProfile
Replaces all current parameters with the parameters defined within the given map.
setParentIdentifier(String) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractConnection
setParentIdentifier(String) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractConnectionGroup
setParentIdentifier(String) - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.Connection
Sets the unique identifier of the parent ConnectionGroup for this Connection.
setParentIdentifier(String) - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.ConnectionGroup
Sets the unique identifier of the parent ConnectionGroup for this ConnectionGroup.
setParentIdentifier(String) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingConnection
setParentIdentifier(String) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingConnectionGroup
setPassword(String) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractUser
setPassword(String) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.Credentials
Sets the password associated with this set of credentials.
setPassword(String) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingUser
setPassword(String) - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.User
Sets this user's password.
setPermissions(Set<ObjectPermission>) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleObjectPermissionSet
Sets the Set which backs this SimpleObjectPermissionSet.
setPermissions(Set<SystemPermission>) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleSystemPermissionSet
Sets the Set which backs this SimpleSystemPermissionSet.
setPrimaryConnectionIdentifier(String) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractSharingProfile
setPrimaryConnectionIdentifier(String) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingSharingProfile
setPrimaryConnectionIdentifier(String) - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.SharingProfile
Sets the identifier of the primary connection associated with this connection.
setRemoteAddress(String) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.Credentials
Sets the address of the client end of the connection which provided these credentials.
setRemoteHost(String) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractActiveConnection
setRemoteHost(String) - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.ActiveConnection
Sets the hostname or IP address of the remote host that initiated the connection.
setRemoteHostname(String) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.Credentials
Sets the hostname of the client end of the connection which provided these credentials, if known.
setRequest(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.Credentials
Sets the HttpServletRequest associated with this set of credentials.
setSession(HttpSession) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.Credentials
Sets the HttpSession associated with this set of credentials.
setSharingProfileForms(Collection<Form>) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.protocols.ProtocolInfo
Sets the collection of forms describing all known parameters relevant to a sharing profile whose primary connection uses this protocol.
setSharingProfileIdentifier(String) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractActiveConnection
setSharingProfileIdentifier(String) - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.ActiveConnection
Sets the identifier of the sharing profile being actively used.
setStartDate(Date) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractActiveConnection
setStartDate(Date) - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.ActiveConnection
Sets the date and time the connection began.
setTitle(String) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.form.FieldOption
Sets the human-readable title describing the effect of this option.
setToken(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.token.TokenFilter
Sets the token having the given name to the given value.
setTokens(Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.token.TokenFilter
Replaces all current token values with the contents of the given map, where each map key represents a token name, and each map value represents a token value.
setTunnel(GuacamoleTunnel) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractActiveConnection
setTunnel(GuacamoleTunnel) - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.ActiveConnection
Sets the connected GuacamoleTunnel being used.
setType(String) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.form.Field
Sets the type of this field.
setType(ConnectionGroup.Type) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractConnectionGroup
setType(ConnectionGroup.Type) - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.ConnectionGroup
Set the type of this ConnectionGroup.
setType(ConnectionGroup.Type) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingConnectionGroup
setUsername(String) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractActiveConnection
setUsername(String) - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.ActiveConnection
Sets the name of the user who is using this connection.
setUsername(String) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.Credentials
Sets the username associated with this set of credentials.
setValue(String) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.form.FieldOption
Sets the value that will be assigned if this option is chosen.
setValue(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.credentials.UserCredentials
Sets the value of the field having the given name.
setValue(Field, String) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.credentials.UserCredentials
Sets the value of the given field.
setValues(Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.credentials.UserCredentials
Replaces the map backing this UserCredentials object with the given map.
Shareable<T> - Interface in org.apache.guacamole.net.auth
An object which can be shared with others via specially-generated sets of credentials.
SharingProfile - Interface in org.apache.guacamole.net.auth
Represents the semantics which apply to an existing connection when shared, along with a human-readable name and unique identifier.
shutdown() - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractAuthenticationProvider
Frees all resources associated with this AuthenticationProvider.
shutdown() - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AuthenticationProvider
Frees all resources associated with this AuthenticationProvider.
SimpleActivityRecordSet<RecordType extends ActivityRecord> - Class in org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple
An immutable and empty ActivityRecordSet.
SimpleActivityRecordSet() - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleActivityRecordSet
Create a new SimpleActivityRecordSet that contains an empty set of records.
SimpleActivityRecordSet(Collection<? extends RecordType>) - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleActivityRecordSet
Create a new SimpleActivityRecordSet that contains the provided records which will back this record set.
SimpleAuthenticationProvider - Class in org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple
Provides means of retrieving a set of named GuacamoleConfigurations for a given Credentials object.
SimpleAuthenticationProvider() - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleAuthenticationProvider
SimpleConnection - Class in org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple
A Connection implementation which establishes the underlying connection to guacd using the configuration information provided in guacamole.properties.
SimpleConnection() - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleConnection
Creates a completely uninitialized SimpleConnection.
SimpleConnection(boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleConnection
Creates a completely uninitialized SimpleConnection.
SimpleConnection(String, String, GuacamoleConfiguration) - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleConnection
Creates a new SimpleConnection having the given identifier and GuacamoleConfiguration.
SimpleConnection(String, String, GuacamoleConfiguration, boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleConnection
Creates a new SimpleConnection having the given identifier and GuacamoleConfiguration.
SimpleConnectionDirectory - Class in org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple
Use SimpleDirectory instead.
SimpleConnectionDirectory(Collection<Connection>) - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleConnectionDirectory
Creates a new SimpleConnectionDirectory which provides access to the connections contained within the given Map.
SimpleConnectionGroup - Class in org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple
An extremely simple read-only implementation of a ConnectionGroup which returns the connection and connection group identifiers it was constructed with.
SimpleConnectionGroup(String, String, Collection<String>, Collection<String>) - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleConnectionGroup
Creates a new SimpleConnectionGroup having the given name and identifier which will expose the given contents.
SimpleConnectionGroupDirectory - Class in org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple
Use SimpleDirectory instead.
SimpleConnectionGroupDirectory(Collection<ConnectionGroup>) - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleConnectionGroupDirectory
Creates a new SimpleConnectionGroupDirectory which contains the given groups.
SimpleConnectionRecordSet - Class in org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple
SimpleConnectionRecordSet() - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleConnectionRecordSet
SimpleDirectory<ObjectType extends Identifiable> - Class in org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple
An extremely simple read-only implementation of a Directory which provides access to a pre-defined Map of arbitrary objects.
SimpleDirectory() - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleDirectory
Creates a new empty SimpleDirectory which does not provide access to any objects.
SimpleDirectory(Collection<ObjectType>) - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleDirectory
Creates a new SimpleDirectory which provides access to the objects contained within the Collection.
SimpleDirectory(Map<String, ObjectType>) - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleDirectory
Creates a new SimpleDirectory which provides access to the objects contained within the given Map.
SimpleDirectory(ObjectType) - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleDirectory
Creates a new SimpleDirectory which provides access to the given object.
SimpleDirectory(ObjectType...) - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleDirectory
Creates a new SimpleDirectory which provides access to the given objects.
SimpleObjectPermissionSet - Class in org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple
A read-only implementation of ObjectPermissionSet which uses a backing Set of Permissions to determine which permissions are present.
SimpleObjectPermissionSet() - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleObjectPermissionSet
Creates a new empty SimpleObjectPermissionSet.
SimpleObjectPermissionSet(Collection<String>) - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleObjectPermissionSet
Creates a new SimpleObjectPermissionSet which contains only READ permissions for each of the given identifiers.
SimpleObjectPermissionSet(Collection<String>, Collection<ObjectPermission.Type>) - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleObjectPermissionSet
Creates a new SimpleObjectPermissionSet which contains permissions for all possible unique combinations of the given identifiers and permission types.
SimpleObjectPermissionSet(Set<ObjectPermission>) - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleObjectPermissionSet
Creates a new SimpleObjectPermissionSet which contains the permissions within the given Set.
SimpleRelatedObjectSet - Class in org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple
A read-only implementation of RelatedObjectSet which uses a backing Set of identifiers to determine which objects are present.
SimpleRelatedObjectSet() - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleRelatedObjectSet
Creates a new empty SimpleRelatedObjectSet.
SimpleRelatedObjectSet(Set<String>) - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleRelatedObjectSet
Creates a new SimpleRelatedObjectSet which contains the objects having the identifiers within the given Set.
SimpleSystemPermissionSet - Class in org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple
A read-only implementation of SystemPermissionSet which uses a backing Set of Permissions to determine which permissions are present.
SimpleSystemPermissionSet() - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleSystemPermissionSet
Creates a new empty SimpleSystemPermissionSet.
SimpleSystemPermissionSet(Set<SystemPermission>) - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleSystemPermissionSet
Creates a new SimpleSystemPermissionSet which contains the permissions within the given Set.
SimpleUser - Class in org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple
A read-only User implementation which has no permissions.
SimpleUser() - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleUser
Creates a completely uninitialized SimpleUser.
SimpleUser(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleUser
Creates a new SimpleUser having the given username.
SimpleUser(String, Collection<String>, Collection<String>) - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleUser
Extend and override the applicable permission set getters instead, relying on SimpleUser to expose no permissions by default for all permission sets that aren't overridden. See SimpleObjectPermissionSet for convenient methods of providing a read-only permission set with specific permissions.
SimpleUser(String, Collection<String>, Collection<String>, Collection<String>) - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleUser
Extend and override the applicable permission set getters instead, relying on SimpleUser to expose no permissions by default for all permission sets that aren't overridden. See SimpleObjectPermissionSet for convenient methods of providing a read-only permission set with specific permissions.
SimpleUserContext - Class in org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple
An extremely simple UserContext implementation which provides access to a defined and restricted set of GuacamoleConfigurations.
SimpleUserContext(AuthenticationProvider, String, Map<String, GuacamoleConfiguration>) - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleUserContext
Creates a new SimpleUserContext for the user with the given username which provides access to only those configurations within the given Map.
SimpleUserContext(AuthenticationProvider, String, Map<String, GuacamoleConfiguration>, boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleUserContext
Creates a new SimpleUserContext for the user with the given username which provides access to only those configurations within the given Map.
SimpleUserContext(AuthenticationProvider, Map<String, GuacamoleConfiguration>) - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleUserContext
Creates a new SimpleUserContext which provides access to only those configurations within the given Map.
SimpleUserDirectory - Class in org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple
Use SimpleDirectory instead.
SimpleUserDirectory(User) - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleUserDirectory
Creates a new SimpleUserDirectory which provides access to the single user provided.
SimpleUserGroup - Class in org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple
A read-only UserGroup implementation which has no members and no permissions.
SimpleUserGroup() - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleUserGroup
Creates a completely uninitialized SimpleUserGroup.
SimpleUserGroup(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleUserGroup
Creates a new SimpleUserGroup having the given identifier.
sort(ActivityRecordSet.SortableProperty, boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.ActivityRecordSet
Returns a ActivityRecordSet containing identically the records within this set, sorted according to the specified criteria.
sort(ActivityRecordSet.SortableProperty, boolean) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleActivityRecordSet
sort(ActivityRecordSet.SortableProperty, boolean) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleConnectionRecordSet
SSL - org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.GuacamoleProxyConfiguration.EncryptionMethod
Encrypted with SSL or TLS.
StandardTokens - Class in org.apache.guacamole.token
Standard tokens are now supplied by default to the connect() functions of connections and connection groups. Manually generating the standard tokens is not necessary.
START_DATE - org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.ActivityRecordSet.SortableProperty
The date and time when the activity associated with the record began.
startElement(String, String, String, Attributes) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.xml.DocumentHandler
StringGuacamoleProperty - Class in org.apache.guacamole.properties
A GuacamoleProperty whose value is a simple string.
StringGuacamoleProperty() - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.properties.StringGuacamoleProperty
StringListProperty - Class in org.apache.guacamole.properties
A GuacamoleProperty whose value is a List of Strings.
StringListProperty() - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.properties.StringListProperty
SystemPermission - Class in org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.permission
A permission which affects the system as a whole, rather than an individual object.
SystemPermission(SystemPermission.Type) - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.permission.SystemPermission
Creates a new SystemPermission with the given type.
SystemPermission.Type - Enum in org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.permission
Specific types of system-level permissions.
SystemPermissionSet - Interface in org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.permission
A set of permissions which affects the system as a whole.


TagHandler - Interface in org.apache.guacamole.xml
A simple element-level event handler for events triggered by the SAX-driven DocumentHandler parser.
TERMINAL_COLOR_SCHEME - Static variable in class org.apache.guacamole.form.Field.Type
A color scheme accepted by the Guacamole server terminal emulator and protocols which leverage it.
TerminalColorSchemeField - Class in org.apache.guacamole.form
Represents a terminal color scheme field.
TerminalColorSchemeField(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.form.TerminalColorSchemeField
Creates a new TerminalColorSchemeField with the given name.
TEXT - Static variable in class org.apache.guacamole.form.Field.Type
A text field, accepting arbitrary values.
TextField - Class in org.apache.guacamole.form
Represents a basic text field.
TextField(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.form.TextField
Creates a new TextField with the given name.
TextField(String, Collection<String>) - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.form.TextField
Creates a new TextField with the given name and possible values.
TIME - Static variable in class org.apache.guacamole.form.Field.Type
A time field whose legal values conform to the pattern "HH:MM:SS", zero-padded, 24-hour.
TIME_TOKEN - Static variable in class org.apache.guacamole.token.StandardTokens
The name of the time token (server-local time) added via addStandardTokens().
TimeField - Class in org.apache.guacamole.form
Represents a time field.
TimeField(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.form.TimeField
Creates a new TimeField with the given name.
TIMEZONE - Static variable in class org.apache.guacamole.form.Field.Type
A time zone field whose legal values are only valid time zone IDs, as dictated by Java within TimeZone.getAvailableIDs().
TimeZoneField - Class in org.apache.guacamole.form
Represents a time zone field.
TimeZoneField(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.form.TimeZoneField
Creates a new TimeZoneField with the given name.
TimeZoneGuacamoleProperty - Class in org.apache.guacamole.properties
A GuacamoleProperty whose value is a TimeZone.
TimeZoneGuacamoleProperty() - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.properties.TimeZoneGuacamoleProperty
TokenFilter - Class in org.apache.guacamole.token
Filtering object which replaces tokens of the form "${TOKEN_NAME}" with their corresponding values.
TokenFilter() - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.token.TokenFilter
Creates a new TokenFilter which has no associated tokens.
TokenFilter(Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.token.TokenFilter
Creates a new TokenFilter which is initialized with the given token name/value pairs.
TokenInjectingConnection - Class in org.apache.guacamole.net.auth
Connection implementation which overrides the connect() function of an underlying Connection, adding a given set of parameter tokens to the tokens already supplied.
TokenInjectingConnection(Connection, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.TokenInjectingConnection
Wraps the given Connection, automatically adding the given tokens to each invocation of connect().
TokenInjectingConnectionGroup - Class in org.apache.guacamole.net.auth
ConnectionGroup implementation which overrides the connect() function of an underlying ConnectionGroup, adding a given set of parameter tokens to the tokens already supplied.
TokenInjectingConnectionGroup(ConnectionGroup, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.TokenInjectingConnectionGroup
Wraps the given ConnectionGroup, automatically adding the given tokens to each invocation of connect().
TokenInjectingUserContext - Class in org.apache.guacamole.net.auth
UserContext implementation which decorates a given UserContext, automatically applying additional parameter tokens during the connection process of any retrieved Connections and ConnectionGroups.
TokenInjectingUserContext(UserContext) - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.TokenInjectingUserContext
Wraps the given UserContext, overriding the connect() function of each retrieved Connection and ConnectionGroup such that the additional parameter tokens returned by getTokens() are included.
TokenInjectingUserContext(UserContext, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.TokenInjectingUserContext
Wraps the given UserContext, overriding the connect() function of each retrieved Connection and ConnectionGroup such that the given additional parameter tokens are included.
TokenName - Class in org.apache.guacamole.token
Utility class for generating parameter token names.
Translatable - Interface in org.apache.guacamole.language
An object which is associated with a translatable message that can be passed through an arbitrary translation service, producing a human-readable message in the user's native language.
TranslatableGuacamoleClientBadTypeException - Exception in org.apache.guacamole.language
A GuacamoleClientBadTypeException whose associated message is translatable and can be passed through an arbitrary translation service, producing a human-readable message in the user's native language.
TranslatableGuacamoleClientBadTypeException(String, String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleClientBadTypeException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleClientBadTypeException with the given message.
TranslatableGuacamoleClientBadTypeException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleClientBadTypeException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleClientBadTypeException with the given message and cause.
TranslatableGuacamoleClientBadTypeException(String, TranslatableMessage) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleClientBadTypeException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleClientBadTypeException with the given message.
TranslatableGuacamoleClientBadTypeException(String, TranslatableMessage, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleClientBadTypeException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleClientBadTypeException with the given message and cause.
TranslatableGuacamoleClientException - Exception in org.apache.guacamole.language
A GuacamoleClientException whose associated message is translatable and can be passed through an arbitrary translation service, producing a human-readable message in the user's native language.
TranslatableGuacamoleClientException(String, String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleClientException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleClientException with the given message.
TranslatableGuacamoleClientException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleClientException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleClientException with the given message and cause.
TranslatableGuacamoleClientException(String, TranslatableMessage) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleClientException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleClientException with the given message.
TranslatableGuacamoleClientException(String, TranslatableMessage, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleClientException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleClientException with the given message and cause.
TranslatableGuacamoleClientOverrunException - Exception in org.apache.guacamole.language
A GuacamoleClientOverrunException whose associated message is translatable and can be passed through an arbitrary translation service, producing a human-readable message in the user's native language.
TranslatableGuacamoleClientOverrunException(String, String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleClientOverrunException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleClientOverrunException with the given message.
TranslatableGuacamoleClientOverrunException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleClientOverrunException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleClientOverrunException with the given message and cause.
TranslatableGuacamoleClientOverrunException(String, TranslatableMessage) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleClientOverrunException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleClientOverrunException with the given message.
TranslatableGuacamoleClientOverrunException(String, TranslatableMessage, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleClientOverrunException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleClientOverrunException with the given message and cause.
TranslatableGuacamoleClientTimeoutException - Exception in org.apache.guacamole.language
A GuacamoleClientTimeoutException whose associated message is translatable and can be passed through an arbitrary translation service, producing a human-readable message in the user's native language.
TranslatableGuacamoleClientTimeoutException(String, String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleClientTimeoutException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleClientTimeoutException with the given message.
TranslatableGuacamoleClientTimeoutException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleClientTimeoutException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleClientTimeoutException with the given message and cause.
TranslatableGuacamoleClientTimeoutException(String, TranslatableMessage) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleClientTimeoutException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleClientTimeoutException with the given message.
TranslatableGuacamoleClientTimeoutException(String, TranslatableMessage, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleClientTimeoutException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleClientTimeoutException with the given message and cause.
TranslatableGuacamoleClientTooManyException - Exception in org.apache.guacamole.language
A GuacamoleClientTooManyException whose associated message is translatable and can be passed through an arbitrary translation service, producing a human-readable message in the user's native language.
TranslatableGuacamoleClientTooManyException(String, String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleClientTooManyException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleClientTooManyException with the given message.
TranslatableGuacamoleClientTooManyException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleClientTooManyException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleClientTooManyException with the given message and cause.
TranslatableGuacamoleClientTooManyException(String, TranslatableMessage) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleClientTooManyException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleClientTooManyException with the given message.
TranslatableGuacamoleClientTooManyException(String, TranslatableMessage, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleClientTooManyException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleClientTooManyException with the given message and cause.
TranslatableGuacamoleConnectionClosedException - Exception in org.apache.guacamole.language
A GuacamoleConnectionClosedException whose associated message is translatable and can be passed through an arbitrary translation service, producing a human-readable message in the user's native language.
TranslatableGuacamoleConnectionClosedException(String, String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleConnectionClosedException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleConnectionClosedException with the given message.
TranslatableGuacamoleConnectionClosedException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleConnectionClosedException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleConnectionClosedException with the given message and cause.
TranslatableGuacamoleConnectionClosedException(String, TranslatableMessage) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleConnectionClosedException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleConnectionClosedException with the given message.
TranslatableGuacamoleConnectionClosedException(String, TranslatableMessage, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleConnectionClosedException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleConnectionClosedException with the given message and cause.
TranslatableGuacamoleCredentialsException - Exception in org.apache.guacamole.language
A GuacamoleCredentialsException whose associated message is translatable and can be passed through an arbitrary translation service, producing a human-readable message in the user's native language.
TranslatableGuacamoleCredentialsException(String, String, Throwable, CredentialsInfo) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleCredentialsException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleCredentialsException with the given message, cause, and associated credential information.
TranslatableGuacamoleCredentialsException(String, String, CredentialsInfo) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleCredentialsException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleCredentialsException with the given message, and associated credential information.
TranslatableGuacamoleCredentialsException(String, TranslatableMessage, Throwable, CredentialsInfo) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleCredentialsException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleCredentialsException with the given message, cause, and associated credential information.
TranslatableGuacamoleCredentialsException(String, TranslatableMessage, CredentialsInfo) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleCredentialsException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleCredentialsException with the given message, and associated credential information.
TranslatableGuacamoleInsufficientCredentialsException - Exception in org.apache.guacamole.language
A GuacamoleInsufficientCredentialsException whose associated message is translatable and can be passed through an arbitrary translation service, producing a human-readable message in the user's native language.
TranslatableGuacamoleInsufficientCredentialsException(String, String, Throwable, CredentialsInfo) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleInsufficientCredentialsException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleInsufficientCredentialsException with the given message, cause, and associated credential information.
TranslatableGuacamoleInsufficientCredentialsException(String, String, CredentialsInfo) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleInsufficientCredentialsException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleInsufficientCredentialsException with the given message, and associated credential information.
TranslatableGuacamoleInsufficientCredentialsException(String, TranslatableMessage, Throwable, CredentialsInfo) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleInsufficientCredentialsException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleInsufficientCredentialsException with the given message, cause, and associated credential information.
TranslatableGuacamoleInsufficientCredentialsException(String, TranslatableMessage, CredentialsInfo) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleInsufficientCredentialsException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleInsufficientCredentialsException with the given message, and associated credential information.
TranslatableGuacamoleInvalidCredentialsException - Exception in org.apache.guacamole.language
A GuacamoleInvalidCredentialsException whose associated message is translatable and can be passed through an arbitrary translation service, producing a human-readable message in the user's native language.
TranslatableGuacamoleInvalidCredentialsException(String, String, Throwable, CredentialsInfo) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleInvalidCredentialsException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleInvalidCredentialsException with the given message, cause, and associated credential information.
TranslatableGuacamoleInvalidCredentialsException(String, String, CredentialsInfo) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleInvalidCredentialsException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleInvalidCredentialsException with the given message, and associated credential information.
TranslatableGuacamoleInvalidCredentialsException(String, TranslatableMessage, Throwable, CredentialsInfo) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleInvalidCredentialsException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleInvalidCredentialsException with the given message, cause, and associated credential information.
TranslatableGuacamoleInvalidCredentialsException(String, TranslatableMessage, CredentialsInfo) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleInvalidCredentialsException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleInvalidCredentialsException with the given message, and associated credential information.
TranslatableGuacamoleResourceClosedException - Exception in org.apache.guacamole.language
A GuacamoleResourceClosedException whose associated message is translatable and can be passed through an arbitrary translation service, producing a human-readable message in the user's native language.
TranslatableGuacamoleResourceClosedException(String, String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleResourceClosedException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleResourceClosedException with the given message.
TranslatableGuacamoleResourceClosedException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleResourceClosedException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleResourceClosedException with the given message and cause.
TranslatableGuacamoleResourceClosedException(String, TranslatableMessage) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleResourceClosedException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleResourceClosedException with the given message.
TranslatableGuacamoleResourceClosedException(String, TranslatableMessage, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleResourceClosedException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleResourceClosedException with the given message and cause.
TranslatableGuacamoleResourceConflictException - Exception in org.apache.guacamole.language
A GuacamoleResourceConflictException whose associated message is translatable and can be passed through an arbitrary translation service, producing a human-readable message in the user's native language.
TranslatableGuacamoleResourceConflictException(String, String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleResourceConflictException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleResourceConflictException with the given message.
TranslatableGuacamoleResourceConflictException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleResourceConflictException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleResourceConflictException with the given message and cause.
TranslatableGuacamoleResourceConflictException(String, TranslatableMessage) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleResourceConflictException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleResourceConflictException with the given message.
TranslatableGuacamoleResourceConflictException(String, TranslatableMessage, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleResourceConflictException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleResourceConflictException with the given message and cause.
TranslatableGuacamoleResourceNotFoundException - Exception in org.apache.guacamole.language
A GuacamoleResourceNotFoundException whose associated message is translatable and can be passed through an arbitrary translation service, producing a human-readable message in the user's native language.
TranslatableGuacamoleResourceNotFoundException(String, String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleResourceNotFoundException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleResourceNotFoundException with the given message.
TranslatableGuacamoleResourceNotFoundException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleResourceNotFoundException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleResourceNotFoundException with the given message and cause.
TranslatableGuacamoleResourceNotFoundException(String, TranslatableMessage) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleResourceNotFoundException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleResourceNotFoundException with the given message.
TranslatableGuacamoleResourceNotFoundException(String, TranslatableMessage, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleResourceNotFoundException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleResourceNotFoundException with the given message and cause.
TranslatableGuacamoleSecurityException - Exception in org.apache.guacamole.language
A GuacamoleSecurityException whose associated message is translatable and can be passed through an arbitrary translation service, producing a human-readable message in the user's native language.
TranslatableGuacamoleSecurityException(String, String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleSecurityException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleSecurityException with the given message.
TranslatableGuacamoleSecurityException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleSecurityException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleSecurityException with the given message and cause.
TranslatableGuacamoleSecurityException(String, TranslatableMessage) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleSecurityException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleSecurityException with the given message.
TranslatableGuacamoleSecurityException(String, TranslatableMessage, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleSecurityException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleSecurityException with the given message and cause.
TranslatableGuacamoleServerBusyException - Exception in org.apache.guacamole.language
A GuacamoleServerBusyException whose associated message is translatable and can be passed through an arbitrary translation service, producing a human-readable message in the user's native language.
TranslatableGuacamoleServerBusyException(String, String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleServerBusyException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleServerBusyException with the given message.
TranslatableGuacamoleServerBusyException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleServerBusyException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleServerBusyException with the given message and cause.
TranslatableGuacamoleServerBusyException(String, TranslatableMessage) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleServerBusyException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleServerBusyException with the given message.
TranslatableGuacamoleServerBusyException(String, TranslatableMessage, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleServerBusyException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleServerBusyException with the given message and cause.
TranslatableGuacamoleServerException - Exception in org.apache.guacamole.language
A GuacamoleServerException whose associated message is translatable and can be passed through an arbitrary translation service, producing a human-readable message in the user's native language.
TranslatableGuacamoleServerException(String, String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleServerException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleServerException with the given message.
TranslatableGuacamoleServerException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleServerException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleServerException with the given message and cause.
TranslatableGuacamoleServerException(String, TranslatableMessage) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleServerException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleServerException with the given message.
TranslatableGuacamoleServerException(String, TranslatableMessage, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleServerException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleServerException with the given message and cause.
TranslatableGuacamoleSessionClosedException - Exception in org.apache.guacamole.language
A GuacamoleSessionClosedException whose associated message is translatable and can be passed through an arbitrary translation service, producing a human-readable message in the user's native language.
TranslatableGuacamoleSessionClosedException(String, String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleSessionClosedException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleSessionClosedException with the given message.
TranslatableGuacamoleSessionClosedException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleSessionClosedException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleSessionClosedException with the given message and cause.
TranslatableGuacamoleSessionClosedException(String, TranslatableMessage) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleSessionClosedException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleSessionClosedException with the given message.
TranslatableGuacamoleSessionClosedException(String, TranslatableMessage, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleSessionClosedException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleSessionClosedException with the given message and cause.
TranslatableGuacamoleSessionConflictException - Exception in org.apache.guacamole.language
A GuacamoleSessionConflictException whose associated message is translatable and can be passed through an arbitrary translation service, producing a human-readable message in the user's native language.
TranslatableGuacamoleSessionConflictException(String, String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleSessionConflictException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleSessionConflictException with the given message.
TranslatableGuacamoleSessionConflictException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleSessionConflictException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleSessionConflictException with the given message and cause.
TranslatableGuacamoleSessionConflictException(String, TranslatableMessage) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleSessionConflictException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleSessionConflictException with the given message.
TranslatableGuacamoleSessionConflictException(String, TranslatableMessage, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleSessionConflictException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleSessionConflictException with the given message and cause.
TranslatableGuacamoleSessionTimeoutException - Exception in org.apache.guacamole.language
A GuacamoleSessionTimeoutException whose associated message is translatable and can be passed through an arbitrary translation service, producing a human-readable message in the user's native language.
TranslatableGuacamoleSessionTimeoutException(String, String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleSessionTimeoutException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleSessionTimeoutException with the given message.
TranslatableGuacamoleSessionTimeoutException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleSessionTimeoutException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleSessionTimeoutException with the given message and cause.
TranslatableGuacamoleSessionTimeoutException(String, TranslatableMessage) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleSessionTimeoutException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleSessionTimeoutException with the given message.
TranslatableGuacamoleSessionTimeoutException(String, TranslatableMessage, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleSessionTimeoutException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleSessionTimeoutException with the given message and cause.
TranslatableGuacamoleUnauthorizedException - Exception in org.apache.guacamole.language
A GuacamoleUnauthorizedException whose associated message is translatable and can be passed through an arbitrary translation service, producing a human-readable message in the user's native language.
TranslatableGuacamoleUnauthorizedException(String, String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleUnauthorizedException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleUnauthorizedException with the given message.
TranslatableGuacamoleUnauthorizedException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleUnauthorizedException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleUnauthorizedException with the given message and cause.
TranslatableGuacamoleUnauthorizedException(String, TranslatableMessage) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleUnauthorizedException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleUnauthorizedException with the given message.
TranslatableGuacamoleUnauthorizedException(String, TranslatableMessage, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleUnauthorizedException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleUnauthorizedException with the given message and cause.
TranslatableGuacamoleUnsupportedException - Exception in org.apache.guacamole.language
A GuacamoleUnsupportedException whose associated message is translatable and can be passed through an arbitrary translation service, producing a human-readable message in the user's native language.
TranslatableGuacamoleUnsupportedException(String, String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleUnsupportedException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleUnsupportedException with the given message.
TranslatableGuacamoleUnsupportedException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleUnsupportedException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleUnsupportedException with the given message and cause.
TranslatableGuacamoleUnsupportedException(String, TranslatableMessage) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleUnsupportedException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleUnsupportedException with the given message.
TranslatableGuacamoleUnsupportedException(String, TranslatableMessage, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleUnsupportedException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleUnsupportedException with the given message and cause.
TranslatableGuacamoleUpstreamException - Exception in org.apache.guacamole.language
A GuacamoleUpstreamException whose associated message is translatable and can be passed through an arbitrary translation service, producing a human-readable message in the user's native language.
TranslatableGuacamoleUpstreamException(String, String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleUpstreamException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleUpstreamException with the given message.
TranslatableGuacamoleUpstreamException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleUpstreamException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleUpstreamException with the given message and cause.
TranslatableGuacamoleUpstreamException(String, TranslatableMessage) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleUpstreamException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleUpstreamException with the given message.
TranslatableGuacamoleUpstreamException(String, TranslatableMessage, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleUpstreamException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleUpstreamException with the given message and cause.
TranslatableGuacamoleUpstreamNotFoundException - Exception in org.apache.guacamole.language
A GuacamoleUpstreamNotFoundException whose associated message is translatable and can be passed through an arbitrary translation service, producing a human-readable message in the user's native language.
TranslatableGuacamoleUpstreamNotFoundException(String, String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleUpstreamNotFoundException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleUpstreamNotFoundException with the given message.
TranslatableGuacamoleUpstreamNotFoundException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleUpstreamNotFoundException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleUpstreamNotFoundException with the given message and cause.
TranslatableGuacamoleUpstreamNotFoundException(String, TranslatableMessage) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleUpstreamNotFoundException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleUpstreamNotFoundException with the given message.
TranslatableGuacamoleUpstreamNotFoundException(String, TranslatableMessage, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleUpstreamNotFoundException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleUpstreamNotFoundException with the given message and cause.
TranslatableGuacamoleUpstreamTimeoutException - Exception in org.apache.guacamole.language
A GuacamoleUpstreamTimeoutException whose associated message is translatable and can be passed through an arbitrary translation service, producing a human-readable message in the user's native language.
TranslatableGuacamoleUpstreamTimeoutException(String, String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleUpstreamTimeoutException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleUpstreamTimeoutException with the given message.
TranslatableGuacamoleUpstreamTimeoutException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleUpstreamTimeoutException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleUpstreamTimeoutException with the given message and cause.
TranslatableGuacamoleUpstreamTimeoutException(String, TranslatableMessage) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleUpstreamTimeoutException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleUpstreamTimeoutException with the given message.
TranslatableGuacamoleUpstreamTimeoutException(String, TranslatableMessage, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleUpstreamTimeoutException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleUpstreamTimeoutException with the given message and cause.
TranslatableGuacamoleUpstreamUnavailableException - Exception in org.apache.guacamole.language
A GuacamoleUpstreamUnavailableException whose associated message is translatable and can be passed through an arbitrary translation service, producing a human-readable message in the user's native language.
TranslatableGuacamoleUpstreamUnavailableException(String, String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleUpstreamUnavailableException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleUpstreamUnavailableException with the given message.
TranslatableGuacamoleUpstreamUnavailableException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleUpstreamUnavailableException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleUpstreamUnavailableException with the given message and cause.
TranslatableGuacamoleUpstreamUnavailableException(String, TranslatableMessage) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleUpstreamUnavailableException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleUpstreamUnavailableException with the given message.
TranslatableGuacamoleUpstreamUnavailableException(String, TranslatableMessage, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleUpstreamUnavailableException
Creates a new TranslatableGuacamoleUpstreamUnavailableException with the given message and cause.
TranslatableMessage - Class in org.apache.guacamole.language
A message which can be translated using a translation service, providing a translation key and optional set of values to be substituted into the translation string associated with that key.
TranslatableMessage(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableMessage
Creates a new TranslatableMessage associated with the given translation key, without any associated variables.
TranslatableMessage(String, Object) - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableMessage
Creates a new TranslatableMessage associated with the given translation key and associated variables.
tunnelClosed(TunnelCloseEvent) - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.event.listener.TunnelCloseListener
Event hook which fires immediately before an existing tunnel is closed.
TunnelCloseEvent - Class in org.apache.guacamole.net.event
An event which is triggered whenever a tunnel is being closed.
TunnelCloseEvent(AuthenticatedUser, Credentials, GuacamoleTunnel) - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.net.event.TunnelCloseEvent
Creates a new TunnelCloseEvent which represents the closing of the given tunnel via a request associated with the given credentials.
TunnelCloseListener - Interface in org.apache.guacamole.net.event.listener
Listeners should instead implement the Listener interface.
tunnelConnected(TunnelConnectEvent) - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.event.listener.TunnelConnectListener
Event hook which fires immediately after a new tunnel is connected.
TunnelConnectEvent - Class in org.apache.guacamole.net.event
An event which is triggered whenever a tunnel is being connected.
TunnelConnectEvent(AuthenticatedUser, Credentials, GuacamoleTunnel) - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.net.event.TunnelConnectEvent
Creates a new TunnelConnectEvent which represents the connecting of the given tunnel via a request associated with the given credentials.
TunnelConnectListener - Interface in org.apache.guacamole.net.event.listener
Listeners should instead implement the Listener interface.
TunnelEvent - Interface in org.apache.guacamole.net.event
Abstract basis for events associated with tunnels.
Type() - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.form.Field.Type


undecorate(ObjectType) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DecoratingDirectory
Given an object originally returned from a call to this DecoratingDirectory's decorate() function, reverses the decoration operation, returning the original object.
unsetToken(String) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.token.TokenFilter
Removes the value of the token with the given name.
update(ObjectType) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DecoratingDirectory
update(ObjectType) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.DelegatingDirectory
update(ObjectType) - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.Directory
Updates the stored object with the data contained in the given object.
update(ObjectType) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.simple.SimpleDirectory
UPDATE - org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.permission.ObjectPermission.Type
Update data within an object.
updateAuthenticatedUser(AuthenticatedUser, Credentials) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractAuthenticationProvider
Returns a new or updated AuthenticatedUser for the given credentials already having produced the given AuthenticatedUser.
updateAuthenticatedUser(AuthenticatedUser, Credentials) - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AuthenticationProvider
Returns a new or updated AuthenticatedUser for the given credentials already having produced the given AuthenticatedUser.
updateUserContext(UserContext, AuthenticatedUser, Credentials) - Method in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AbstractAuthenticationProvider
Returns a new or updated UserContext for the given AuthenticatedUser already having the given UserContext.
updateUserContext(UserContext, AuthenticatedUser, Credentials) - Method in interface org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.AuthenticationProvider
Returns a new or updated UserContext for the given AuthenticatedUser already having the given UserContext.
URIGuacamoleProperty - Class in org.apache.guacamole.properties
A GuacamoleProperty whose value is a URI.
URIGuacamoleProperty() - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.properties.URIGuacamoleProperty
User - Interface in org.apache.guacamole.net.auth
A user of the Guacamole web application.
User.Attribute - Class in org.apache.guacamole.net.auth
All standard attribute names with semantics defined by the Guacamole web application.
UserContext - Interface in org.apache.guacamole.net.auth
The context of an active user.
UserCredentials - Class in org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.credentials
A fully-valid set of credentials and associated values.
UserCredentials(Collection<Field>) - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.credentials.UserCredentials
Creates a new UserCredentials object which requires the given fields but does not yet have any defined values.
UserCredentials(Collection<Field>, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.credentials.UserCredentials
Creates a new UserCredentials object which requires the given fields and values.
UserCredentials(CredentialsInfo) - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.credentials.UserCredentials
Creates a new UserCredentials object which requires fields described by the given CredentialsInfo but does not yet have any defined values.
UserCredentials(CredentialsInfo, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.credentials.UserCredentials
Creates a new UserCredentials object which requires fields described by the given CredentialsInfo.
UserEvent - Interface in org.apache.guacamole.net.event
Abstract basis for events which may have an associated AuthenticatedUser when triggered.
UserGroup - Interface in org.apache.guacamole.net.auth
A user group of the Guacamole web application.
USERNAME - Static variable in class org.apache.guacamole.form.Field.Type
A username field.
USERNAME - Static variable in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.credentials.CredentialsInfo
A field describing the username HTTP parameter expected by Guacamole during login, if usernames are being used.
USERNAME_PASSWORD - Static variable in class org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.credentials.CredentialsInfo
CredentialsInfo object which describes standard username/password credentials.
USERNAME_TOKEN - Static variable in class org.apache.guacamole.token.StandardTokens
The name of the username token added via addStandardTokens().
UsernameField - Class in org.apache.guacamole.form
Represents a text field which will contain the uniquely-identifying name of a user.
UsernameField(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.guacamole.form.UsernameField
Creates a new UsernameField with the given name.


value() - Method in annotation type org.apache.guacamole.properties.EnumGuacamoleProperty.PropertyValue
Returns the String value that should produce the annotated enum constant when parsed.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.ActivityRecordSet.SortableProperty
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.ConnectionGroup.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.GuacamoleProxyConfiguration.EncryptionMethod
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.permission.ObjectPermission.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.permission.SystemPermission.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.ActivityRecordSet.SortableProperty
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.ConnectionGroup.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.GuacamoleProxyConfiguration.EncryptionMethod
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.permission.ObjectPermission.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.apache.guacamole.net.auth.permission.SystemPermission.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
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