Apache Guacamole 1.5.1 (Archived)

Apache Guacamole 1.5.1 is an archived release, and was originally released on 2023-04-13. The latest release of Apache Guacamole is 1.5.5.

Apache Guacamole is split into two subprojects: "guacamole-client", the HTML5 web application which serves the Guacamole client to users, and "guacamole-server", the remote desktop proxy which the web application communicates with. The source code for each of these may be downloaded below.

You must verify the integrity of any downloaded files using the OpenPGP signatures we provide with each release. The signatures should be verified against the KEYS file, which contains the OpenPGP keys of Apache Guacamole's Release Managers. Checksums of each released file are also provided.

If you do not wish to build Apache Guacamole entirely from source, pre-built versions of the web application (.war) and all extensions are provided here in binary form for convenience. Please note that guacamole-server must still be built and installed from source.

Release notes

The 1.5.1 release is a bugfix release that addresses regressions noted in the 1.5.0 release, particularly regressions affecting the guacamole/guacamole and guacamole/guacd Docker images. For a full list of all changes in this release, please see the changelog.

The 1.5.1 release is compatible with older 1.x components. You should upgrade older components to 1.5.1 when possible, however things should continue to work correctly in the interim:

  • Extensions written for older 1.x releases can be used by 1.5.1.
  • Components written for the version of the Guacamole protocol used by older 1.x releases can be used with components of the 1.5.1 release.


Docker images

  • guacamole Docker image cannot connect to MySQL using SSL (GUACAMOLE-1738)
  • guacd Docker image cannot authenticate with VeNCrypt (GUACAMOLE-1741)

Protocol support / guacd

  • Printing within RDP fails against newer GhostScript (GUACAMOLE-1755)

General housekeeping and cleanup

  • Docker build failing during JS unit tests with Chrome version mismatch issue (GUACAMOLE-1765)
  • Update webapp dependencies to latest stable and compatible versions (GUACAMOLE-1763)